And Now for Some Funnies – IOTW Report

And Now for Some Funnies

From the Babylone Bee – WASHINGTON, D.C.—Trump excitedly unveiled his latest improvements to the White House Press Briefing Room at Monday night’s press conference: ejection seats.

Check it out here.

h/t no more La-Z-Boy reclining

For the “How-To” segment:

11 Comments on And Now for Some Funnies

  1. I don’t think the Babylon Bee post should remain purely satire. I think they SHOULD install ejection seats in the WH Press Briefing Room.

    That’ll learn ’em.

  2. I would go the other direction.
    They, and their chair drop seventeen feet to the concrete floor of Tunnel Alpha. The trap door slams closed.
    Down in Tunnel Alpha is where they are met by the Secret Service who deliver unto them the ass whuppin’ they so richly deserve.
    Oh, the Secret Service guys? They are all on probation for some infraction and are eager to ‘work’ their way back into the Agency’s good graces.


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