And now, let’s shake off the swamp and do an uplifting story – IOTW Report

And now, let’s shake off the swamp and do an uplifting story

Bubba’s Brother writes-

I found this to be as heart-warming a story as I’ve seen in a long time.  This little child has a fantastic attitude and shows what the human spirit can do, even in what most of us would consider the worst possible case.


You have to click on the audio icon at the bottom of the video to hear this little child’s precious voice and excitement.  I noticed he kept mentioning someone named “Nick” and that he was “doing it like Nick”.  Fortunately, someone in the comments knew who Nick is and why he is such an inspiration to this little fella.  This is Nick:

8 Comments on And now, let’s shake off the swamp and do an uplifting story

  1. Well, thanks for ruining my pity party. I’m going to have to get my arse up, walk around, and do something –anything– now, with a smile on my face and gratitude in my crusty old heart.

  2. Holy moly, that guy is truly amazing and worth my time to continue to his website (bookmarked). I often thank God for the things that never happened to us, those times we were protected and never knew it. I can add a complete and healthy body to that list. Big thanks for sharing BFH.

  3. Thanks for posting this BFH. I’ve watched the video several times and am still amazed at how happy and joyful this little fella is. I’m sure his family has everything to do with his positive attitude and I wish the best for all of them.

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