And the Left says Trump should stop Tweeting??? – IOTW Report

And the Left says Trump should stop Tweeting???

Hillary Tweets garbage and then gets a response:
The Award For Tweeter Bitch Slap Of The Day Goes To…

12 Comments on And the Left says Trump should stop Tweeting???

  1. … there’s the kick … it’s a long one …. it’s up … & it’s … GOOD!!!

    Drunken Grandma of Death gets her ass handed to her again!

    ‘integrity’ & ‘clinton’ should never be used in the same tweet … EVER!

  2. Every moral standard they have of TRUMP, are the same ones that they never applied to the Clintons.

    From Bill’s sexual misconduct at Oxford, to Hillary’s gun-running operation in Benghazi.

    As long as TRUMP is moving the political football forward, no morals or laws apply to him.



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