And the most simultaneously infuriating/hilarious New Year’s Eve Tweet Goes To—- – IOTW Report

And the most simultaneously infuriating/hilarious New Year’s Eve Tweet Goes To—-

New York Times writer, Nicholas Kristof, says that it is time for a renewed sense of mission!!!

Hmm. Why now? I can’t think of any reason that they would admit to being un-infused with a sense of mission, and now suddenly feeling like that need to be sentinels and not LAPDOGS!


Susan Bell @susiecoyote You should all be very strong and rested after your 8-year vacation

Simon Tuckerface @SimonTemplarPV Wow! Weird how media cyclicly decides to go from “lap dogs” to “watch dogs” when GOP wins@nytopinion

Eric Lawson @EL001  Seriously? So after being Obama’s lap dog for 8 years you now actually want to do your job? This right here is why people hate you guys.

12 Comments on And the most simultaneously infuriating/hilarious New Year’s Eve Tweet Goes To—-

  1. We need to bury the media once and for all. Have a Trump surrogate hire a PR firm. Run ads naming names like Kristof and Stephapolgist and Lauer. Let’s call them out by name. In public. In their own media.
    I would give big to a fund to attack these guys instead of being on defense.
    We need an army of patriots to destroy destroy destroy ABCCNNNBCCBSNYTMSLSDNPR.
    This is a perfect opening to list all these lies we have been reading here and elsewhere and air them publicly with in your face ads— billboards, newspaper, TV etc.
    the time is now……the jugular has been exposed. Let’s plunge the proverbial knife!!!
    George Stephanopoulos should be the first to lose his job.

  2. @Golphin; interesting idea but none of these people would ever lose their jobs or positions. The news departments for the MSM are, for the most part, loss leaders for the networks and in turn the media giants that own them. The left leaning MSM crap that is being spewed is approved by the higher ups. If Trump wants to throw a wrench into their tactics of destruction then he should hold press conferences that is 95% him discussing his agenda, how it’s progressing, the positives it’s having on the people and the country etc. The spend the last 5% answering 5 questions, no followups. That’s it. The media would go crazy. They couldn’t limit Trumps access to airtime because some of the smaller news organisations would jump at the chance to get to the front of the line and Fox would cover it anyway. Trump needs to start to go directly to the people much the same as Ronald Reagan did. He can’t allow his message and mission to be filtered through the MSM prism.

  3. This is why Obama was instructed to hand off the internet to Europe. Leaders like Trump can come on the scene (and I’m glad they do) but the one thing the global Left cannot tolerate is citizens with a relatively unrestricted exchange of information. That is what got us to this point; that is what cost them dearly this year, so they have to put a stop to it. The handoff was the first step.

  4. The credibility factor of the MSM is low. They can bloviate all they want, but will not get their credibility back unless they earn it. Which they won’t because they are elitist leftists and out of touch with common people.

    In other words, nothing will change and the MSM will continue its decline into irrelevance.

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