And the Pull of the Film Canister From the Fishbowl Goes To…. – IOTW Report

And the Pull of the Film Canister From the Fishbowl Goes To….

Remember when the disgruntled cow, *Simonds, from Virginia needed a few votes in a recount to win a representative seat?

And then, remarkably, she passed her opponent by ONE vote. And then some judge said that one of the votes that was thrown out by democrat recount officials shouldn’t have been, and it went to a tie?

And remember how the cow tried to sue for the win instead of going for the names being put in a film canister to be pulled from a fishbowl?

That lawsuit was struck down.

And they did the fishbowl thing.

The cow lost.

*Even though I reported it correctly in the original story, I managed to switch the names in the update.

17 Comments on And the Pull of the Film Canister From the Fishbowl Goes To….

  1. The dems desperately want to make VA a central block in their blue wall that will give them control of the federal government. It seems the whole republic depends on what happens in these local races at times.

  2. And so we have a 50-50 split in the senate, tie breaker votes going to the Dem Lt Gov. So Virginia is full blue.
    We’re lost.

    I still blame obama for loading up the deep state in DC, many of whom live in northern Virginia, greedy Bob McDonnell the former Governor who destroyed the republican brand, selfish Bill Bolling the childish former Lt Gov who intentionally undermined the candidacy of Ken Cuccinelli when Ken wouldn’t grant Bolling ‘his turn’.
    That charge against fat boy Bolling goes for the whole republican establishment.

  3. PHenry–my understanding (and I just looked it up) is that the Republicans now have a 51-49 majority.
    This way of deciding a tie has been in Virginia’s constitution since the 1700s.

  4. Corky. I may be wrong . I got confused about the balance of power and maybe it is 51-49 Republican. Hardly a comfortable position. There is always “that R” in the John McCain, Susan Collins, etc mold.

  5. @PHenry,
    The Commonwealth is lost. I am out-a-here as soon as I can pull it off. My votes (other than for Brat) have counted for nothing here for at least 10 years……

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. Crackerbaby
    Cool your jets. President Trump is draining this swamp and Virginia may return to its natural deep red once the deep state bureaucrats and consultants leave, not to mention the illegals who vote in droves.

    Virginia is on the precipice.

  7. Tar: The game is rigged.

    What’s happened to Virginia was by design. As other states went red, the Party of Government needed to “balance” things out so that compromise is always required; Virginia was chosen as the counter-weight. Virginia republicans created safe democrat seats for folks like Gerry Connolly while refusing to help any state wide candidates for Governor or US Senate. All state-wide candidates in the past 7 years have been selected by the party to loose. When we voted for true conservatives in the primairies, the party showed us what they thought of us.

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