Andrew Basiago For President – IOTW Report

Andrew Basiago For President

I just heard about him. Sean Young (yes, the actress) just said in an interview that he’s a candidate she is interested in, and I think I’m on the Basiago train.

Sean Young isn’t crazy, at all. Not at all.

Here are some of Andrew’s policy positions –



Andrew has 100 proposals on his site.

Give him a chance. That’s all we ANDroids ask.

19 Comments on Andrew Basiago For President

  1. actually … I agree with the last statement
    …& I’m leaning on the Sasquatch Endangered Species Act

    Basiago 2016!

    anything for a one-on-one w/ Sean Young …. she’s nutty as a fruitcake, but I’m interested in her mind … if that gets me to the rest of her …….rrrrooooooowwl

  2. Here’s a candidate that if elected would be taken seriously by absolutely no one at all. The more I think about that, the more I like the idea especially when comparing this loon with the all the other fascist / populist / collectivist candidates.

    I’ll take a harmless loon over a warmongering megalomaniac any day.

  3. Finally, a candidate I can get behind. He is for protecting Bigfoot and Sean Young is backing him. What more do I need?

    The time travel is just icing on the cake. And, since he knows who is going to win he would not be running unless he already won so, might, as well get on board. Maybe he can time travel me back to when Sean Young was in her prime with a message from Sean Young now telling Sean Young then that… but I digress.

  4. The only Sasquatch I have seen is very well protected by the secret service.
    To placate it they buy her expensive dresses, given her extended vacations with her own plane and allowed her to force feed public school children fruits, berries and moldy food.

    This one should be endangered.

  5. I don’t know. He looks kind of shady to me.
    Where does he stand on the Reptilian Agenda?
    Will David Ike endorse?
    Do Human/Alien Hybrids receive Constitutional protections?
    Does he think the Mantis Hegemony should be granted biological mining rights on Earth?
    Is he good with a Sasquatch Voting block?
    The voters want specifics.

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