Angel Moms Interrupted By Hecklers While Reading Poems They Wrote To Their Dead Children – IOTW Report

Angel Moms Interrupted By Hecklers While Reading Poems They Wrote To Their Dead Children

DC: A group of “angel moms” whose children have been killed by illegal immigrants were interrupted Wednesday by hecklers as they were reading poems that they wrote to their deceased children.

The rally took place at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., where parents spoke out to help educate others on their beliefs on why President Trump’s wall should be built.

The hecklers appeared to disrupt the rally because of Trump, despite the rally mainly consisting of angel moms who were trying to convince people that border security is crucial to the safety of the American people.

While the angel moms were reading poetry for their murdered children, the hecklers that passed them yelled, “You’re supposed to be with us. F**k Trump.”   more here

10 Comments on Angel Moms Interrupted By Hecklers While Reading Poems They Wrote To Their Dead Children

  1. Your given the chance to publicly lament the murder of your child on a national platform but “F” you because the one giving you the chance to have your voice heard is Trump?

    People joke about gingers not having souls. Well, this is no joke- libtards not only have no souls they must be possessed by demons to make such statements.

    The angle mom stands against murders of innocent children and these demon possessed libards are publicly taking a position opposite of the angle moms. They are saying they stand with the murderers of children. The one could scour all the MSM for the next 48 hours and there won’t be one commentator that connects those dots.

    We are truly heading for a civil war.

  2. There will be no place to hide or run.
    Life as we know it, grocery stores,walmart,
    malls,internet,cell phone,electricity etc.
    will be GONE.Savagery and the law of the jungle
    will rule.I pray it never comes to that….

  3. I would just love to see their heads in the scope when the trigger is pulled and watch the black hatred flow out of their exploding skulls! I think it’s time we start helping clean around the swamp Trump is trying to drain!

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