Anger Issues? It’s Your Toilet Paper – IOTW Report

Anger Issues? It’s Your Toilet Paper

via- Allen “GOODSTUFF” Reinertsen

Someone get Hillary some Waldorf.


28 Comments on Anger Issues? It’s Your Toilet Paper

  1. So before she used Waldorf TP, “Janet” (not her real name), would spank little Polly for misbehaving. After switching brands to Waldorf, presumably Janet stopped spanking the little brat. Parents all over the country stopped disciplining their children and the result was the ’60s hippies (like Obozo’s mother). And western civilization began it’s steady decline. Mystery solved.

  2. I use one sheet of bounty paper towel. Fold in half. Works great never any tear thru.
    In my opinion it’s soft. I have a regular TP holder and a paper towel holder next to the toilet.
    When guessed come I just laugh it off and don’t say a word.

  3. My wife grew up in a wealthy home they used cloth about the size of a wash cloth and
    it was laundered by the house staff. I went to her house and used the toilet and had no idea what to do afterwards. There were small beautiful cloths there by the toilet but I thought it just can’t be. But it was.

  4. “Show us yer tits,” yelled the drunk at the two penguins.

    Oh, my, said the Mother Superior, I don’t think they know we’re
    nuns. Show them your Cross, Sister.
    Sister Mary Immacalata rolled down the window and shouted:
    “Shut to fuck up ye fuckin’ wankers, ‘fore I go over there and rip yer fuckin’ balls off.”
    Was that cross enough Mother Superior?

  5. Thanks Dude!

    “There is not enough paper to clean my backside” – my wife

    In Thailand we use a hose and high pressure water. Easy and it does a good job. Most public toilets have a bidet or a hose, even the malls.

    My second son will not do a Number two, unless there is a hose

  6. There were a couple of customers of mine with bidets. One moved and the new people took them out.

    Then there is one customer with 8 children that puts an extra outlet on the water supply to the toilets and attaches a sink sprayer hose there.

    I don’t ask. Could be for cleaning? I’m an optimist.

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