Angry Website Reports the Opening of Obama Boulevard – IOTW Report

Angry Website Reports the Opening of Obama Boulevard

Sounds like they think everything should be named after Obama.

The Root-

On the 2018 Beyoncé-infused “Black Effect,” Jay-Z nonchalantly professed “I’m good on every MLK,” keenly aware that civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. has roads sprinkled throughout the country carrying his namesake. But on the flip side, our forever president Barack Obama—whose own iconic status wasn’t solidified until January 20, 2009—is understandably running a bit behind.

There’s schools like the Barack and Michelle Obama Academy in Atlanta or Barack Obama Elementary School in Pine Lawn, Mo., but when it comes to street names, our 44th president can only lay claim to a handful.

Thankfully, Los Angeles will be adding to that tally on May 4, as Rodeo Road—not to be confused with the opulent Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills—will be renamed Obama Boulevard. Because after surviving eight years of Fox News onslaughts and a Republican-controlled House and Senate, this is the type of shit the first black president in the history of the United States deserves.

Obama Boulevard is a 3.5-mile residential street located in the predominantly—and unapologetically—black neighborhoods of Baldwin Hills and south Los Angeles. And yes, it will intersect with King Boulevard to create the blackest intersection in the history of black ass intersections.

To celebrate this momentous occasion, Councilman Herb Wesson will host a street festival on May 4 featuring food trucks, vendors, and music performances and appearances from Doug E. Fresh, 90’s rapper Yo Yo—the unofficial ambassador of all things Los Angeles—BJ the Chicago Kid, and plenty more.


What are the Vegas odds on a shooting at the festival?

26 Comments on Angry Website Reports the Opening of Obama Boulevard

  1. On the flip side, the Obama’s propaganda production company “Higher Ground” has seven, count ’em seven different agitprop productions pushing their dopey social justice message in the works over at Netflix. And you thought they would just go away after leaving office.

  2. I hoid they hada few choices…
    Treasury-looting Lane
    Jeramiah Wright´s God-Damn-America-hating Avenue
    The Phoney-Baloney, Bitch-Slapped, Gay-Obsessed, Sheet-Grabbing, Pillow-Biting Parkway
    Bullshit Boulevard
    Douche-nozzle Street
    Whutever… be sure to slow down for the yellow flashing lights at a Cocksucker Crossing!
    Wouldn’t wanna hit some mindless dweeb listening to an Obama speech now would we…

  3. A street near me was named Martin Luther King (street or road, I forget) and was renamed after Obama before the expiration of his second term.

    I have never driven (and will never drive) that street.

    I spit out the window as I drive by.

    Just sayin’.

  4. worst fucking dickless potus ever, best contributor to the demise of the planet

    ironically “worried” about climate change

    go to hell, ignorant sodomizing muslim freak

  5. We have an MLK Blvd. just off of Division St., the main N/S corridor of Spokane North of 1-90. It’s fairly new and is a good way to get around traffic in downtown particularly since it’s heading east. It’s right next to the Burlington Northern rail line running thru the middle of the city and so far so good since it really doesn’t go thru the really bad parts of the city in the E. Central neighborhood. Of course a lot of he area up in the Hillyard area on the far NE part of town where a lot of Russians and other Eastern Europeans live is about to be bypassed by construction of the N/S new freeway corridor in the next few yrs. It’ll go right thru the middle of what we call Dog town which is the poorest part of the city. Thank God, they’re finally getting ready to finish which this should’ve been built 50 yr. ago to connect the far N. side to I-90 both E and W bound.

  6. Naming a street after a narcissist ingrate who did everything he could to undermine “black communities” is twisted behavior only the left can perpetrate.
    While leftist tools are dodging bullets on Barry Blvd, maybe they’ll be clued President Trump’s policies created the lowest unemployment percentage for black Americans in the history of The United States of America. Doubt it – can’t fix stupid.


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