Ann Coulter Discusses How Many On The Right Are Behaving Like the Left – IOTW Report

Ann Coulter Discusses How Many On The Right Are Behaving Like the Left

Admittedly, this is one-sided, and unfairly.

Coulter is saying that it’s Cruz backers who are acting most like the left, particularly in their over-the-top defense of Michelle Fields who claimed she was almost pulled down to the ground. She calls it the dramatic and intentional pussification of politics in order to ratf*ck the opposition at all costs.

But I’m going to jump in and be fair. There are a lot of Trump people who simply do not care what ridiculous things Trump says or does, they are all-in for him, much like the left is for their candidates. You get the feeling Trump could say he became a believer in climate change and he’s going to go full bore with Green Energy in his first 100 days and many of his followers would find a way to spin it like it’s a good thing.

It’s an interesting conversation, but Cruz people will have a problem with it. I don’t post it for that reason. I think lessons can be learned by the Trump backers as well.

My hope is that somehow before the convention both sides will coalesce around the idea that we need to defeat Hillary or Bernie, and that is not going to happen when Trump and Cruz voters both make the ridiculous claim that the other guy is ushering in Hillary.

Back either candidate when the time comes and that fracturing and finger pointing won’t be an issue.

The blame game is going to be intense. The party will most likely not survive a November loss.


50 Comments on Ann Coulter Discusses How Many On The Right Are Behaving Like the Left

  1. Also in the name of fairness, I would point out that as long as Cruz is content to lie about such things as Trump being responsible for the anarchist attacks at his rallies, planting the story in the National Enquirer, splintering the GOPe, implying Melania Trump is a slut (campaign ad in Utah), and lying his ass off at every opportunity while stealing Trump’s platform (after he sees the people really like Trump’s ideas) — Trump’s supporters are just not going to complain about his so-called “ridiculous” things he says or does. In fact, the only people who generally think anything Trump says is ridiculous are ….. Cruzbots.

    Oh, and now we can add Cruz stealing delegates from Trump’s winning states! How low can you go?

  2. I generally feel that if I have the opposite view of little annie in many cases, I am on the right side of history!! She used to be one of the good ones, but she jumped the shark around 2012 when she pushed Romney on us!!

  3. Sorry but trump is not ready for this job and he should step aside for an effective, true outsider by the name of Ted Cruz. Trump will only embarrass us for 4 years where as Ted the tea party guy will run circles around the gope and the democrats. You know it’s true and its your pride that is blinding you to the danger of nominating a celebrity to be the head of our party, we need to take back the Republican Party not destroy it. The Donald isn’t ready yet for the job as we’ve seen. I’m impressed by your loyalty but it’s misplaced. All of you know it’s true. We need someone who’s ready for prime time.

  4. Some of you don’t quite GET IT yet. Cruz’s only purpose for the power structure right now is to keep Trump from securing the necessary deligates before the Primary. The GOP has dumped a shit load of money in Paul Ryan’s and Scott Walkers state trying to stop Trump here. And they will. From here on out it’s all Trump. If Trump comes to the convention short do you think these GOP assholes are going to rally around Teddy? If you do, I have a bridge for sale. Your not that bright.

  5. @BFH- what is it with these videos do not exist messages in my previous post I typed in 2012 and it searches for a video? and now it appears to have happened with anon as well ?

  6. I’m signing off now but brad come on, Cruz is the most competent guy out there now, Trump is not. He’s got the brains and the passion to protect the constitution, pick the right justices, fight the right battles…etc. he’s not going to get tongue tied he’s thought out his positions.

    If trump is the nominee I’ll vote for him only because he’s far and away better than the felon and the commie.

    Peace out! ?

  7. Anonymous, next time you decide to join the discussion maybe you can give me a list of Cruz accomplishments. Being able to read the cat in the hat doednt count. I have a few friends in Texas. They’re voting Trump.

  8. Cruz lost my vote when he set aside the 1st amendment instead of sticking up for Trump. Right now its beat up on Trump time. BFH why have you not put up the press conference with Cruz carly heidi and his mom. After the 5th don’t be surprised if the shit hits the fan for Cruz.

  9. Cruz has told more lies and perpetrated more dirty tricks than anyone since Nixon. Trump may have mis-spoken or said intemperate things since he speaks without focus groups and teleprompters, but Cruz had constructed deliberate, knowing lies.

    Cruz campaign is a deliberate, knowing lie. He can’t win. He needs 87% of the remaining delegates and even if he came close his colleagues hate him. A vote for Cruz is a vote for Hillary.

    The ONLY important issues are over border security, American jobs, and prioritizing Americans ahead of foreigners. If Cruz were for any of those things he would have made them part of his campaign from the start and wouldn’t be distracting from them with lies now.

    Cruz is a 2 year senator, had been part of Bush’s admin. He and his wife both served in the FTC (lost an American job lately?) and live a sham marriage (together less than 5 years out of 15) while proclaiming sainthood. He’s another Obama pretending to be a Constitutionalist when it serves him. Otherwise, he’s serving his masters.

  10. TO Marco

    “Trump can’t win, Cruz just might win.”
    Back that up.

    Don’t worry about the Trump part; I know you’re just damned wrong on THAT: as with “Reagan Democrats”, Trump has Dems AND Independents unlike ANY other Republican candidate in memory (and spare us the BS about those Dems “walking away from Trump in November”).

    Just give me a reasoned, persuasive explanation how Cruz can win.


    I. DON’T. SEE. HOW.

  11. For me, I’m afraid this schism is a bit too deep to see any kind of unity in November. I have an opinion of who’s to blame for it, but at the end of the day, I’m tired of that candidate’s supporters, including some friends who I thought were smarter than that.

  12. “You get the feeling Trump could say he became a believer in climate change and he’s going to go full bore with Green Energy in his first 100 days and many of his followers would find a way to spin it like it’s a good thing.” – BFH

    I find that *bold* part disingenuous.

    I don’t know a single Trump supporter her who would take your example (“Climate Change”) and approve of/agree with it.

    THAT’S THE POINT Coulter and the interviewer are CORRECTLY making about Cruz supporters.

    What *I* would say – and I suspect others here might – is that Trump is trolling for Democrat votes with that schtick, and I’m fine with that.

  13. This post response thread shows the depth of the divide.

    Even if Trump arrives at the convention with less delegates than another candidate his followers will not accept anything less than a rubber-stamp coronation for their dear leader. Anything else will meet with claims of theft and disenfranchisement of the voter regardless of any proof.

    The result I fear most is what happens when he arrives with less than 1237, but only a few more than another candidate and then loses on a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th ballot. Even though it fits the rules I think that will be the moment when Hillary wins the general election because polls shows more Trump supporters than Cruz supporters will NOT vote for the party nominee if it is not their candidate.

    We shall see.

  14. I don’t care what Trump says or does as long as he keeps pushing immigration and trade issues.

    For decades, DC has been selling out the middle class to the donors for cheap labor and cheap products.

    Trump is the only candidate for any office, from any party, to stand up to the crony COC and the racist left.

  15. I was playing euchre last night and said at one point “Hearts are trump.”

    The other team got up and walked out, claiming racist hate speech and went looking for a federally mandated safe space. BLM then overturned the game table. A few minutes later I was on the front page of The National Tattler under a headline claiming I have sex with burros. Mittens then called me a bad, bad person.

    Damn good thing I didn’t say “renege.”

  16. We shall see, indeed, Woody.

    But I suspect that, IF Trump doesn’t make 1,237,
    the spread will be more like

    1,150 Trump
    750 Cruz
    (400 delegate difference)

    In such case, pack up your hyperbole and don’t innocently wonder when people assess the situation if presented with a “surprise” – ahem – “winner.”

  17. Czar; maybe you are new to the republican party, but that is not how our primary works.
    The final number of delegates is determined at the convention.
    Cruz and Trump will both pick up more delegates there.
    If Trump only has 1150, it is, at this point, unlikely that he will pick up enough at the convention to bring him over the top.
    This could change, but that is how it stands now.
    If he could mend fences with Kasich or Rubio it would be a slam dunk, but much of his base would have an issue with doing that.

  18. Thank you Czar.
    I know that I am 100% correct when your type is reduced to insults.
    That seems to happen to you a lot though, so I don’t see it as a major accomplishment.

  19. Well, I see that this post didn’t do what it was designed to do… lol.
    I guess I’ll ride the fence until June and then work on the Trump or Cruz people to rally around either Trump or Cruz.
    But if it’s Jeb I’m moving to Mexico.

  20. BFH, Im not really clear what you thought you were doing?

    You said –
    ….My hope is that somehow before the convention both sides will coalesce around the idea that we need to defeat Hillary or Bernie, and that is not going to happen when Trump and Cruz voters both make the ridiculous claim that the other guy is ushering in Hillary….

    That can only happen if one of them gets the needed delegates. Otherwise the claim one is ushering in Hillary is spot on.

    You said -….Back either candidate when the time comes and that fracturing and finger pointing won’t be an issue….

    But leading us to a convention where the strong possibilty that neither is the candidate is the folly of Cruz and his voters at the moment. Sorry, its just the way it is. Most of Cruz endorsments are not pro Cruz but anti Trump = heck, Romney endorsed both Cruz and Kasich. He and many in his group think, has made it no secret they want the delegates deciding this at the convention, not the little people who seem to have chosen Trump.

    you said – …The blame game is going to be intense. The party will most likely not survive a November loss….

    So? Thats exactly why the blame game will be intense.

    As it stands Cruz is leading the battle to topple Trump. Therfore if both Cruz and Trump are not the nominee and Hillary wins. Those who saw it coming will be right to blame Cruz and his supporters

    If Trump does get the nomination, but still loses to Hillary. The #NeverTrump movement will be blamed (and rightly so)

    If Cruz does get the nomination, and loses, who’s fault is it? There is no huge effort to destroy Cruz, he just isn’t getting the votes.

    If Trump is a short putt away from winning the nomination, let’s say 1,150 delegates (87 delegates short)
    Let’s say Cruz is at 750 (487 delegates short)

    Also take in consideration Trump has a MILLION+ more votes than Cruz.

    Who deserves the nomination? Who should be nominated?

  22. Why will CruzBots AVOID THIS QUESTION?

    If Trump is a short putt away from winning the nomination, let’s say 1,150 delegates (87 delegates short)
    Let’s say Cruz is at 750 (487 delegates short)

    Also take in consideration Trump has a MILLION+ more votes than Cruz.

    Who deserves the nomination? Who should be nominated?

  23. BFH – all these trump people here are making me want to ditch your blog. czar is leading the charge to his own humiliation. Yes the gope don’t care about you. But you really think trump does? You think he believes in anything seriously except money and winning? You think he is loyal to you? None of them are. Maybe Cruz because he was willing to incur the wrath of everybody on the shutdown thing… I’m Not sure. But don’t let’s have this double-talker trump cleave us from our friends and erstwhile allies and leave us in ruin. Czar – Mark my words: trump will betray you.

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