Another Case of a College “Sexual Assault Survivor” Turns Out To Be Politically Motivated Feminist Lies – IOTW Report

Another Case of a College “Sexual Assault Survivor” Turns Out To Be Politically Motivated Feminist Lies

Campus Reform-

A male student accused of sexual assault and subsequently expelled by administrators at Amherst College recently sued the school for denying him due process and ignoring key evidence substantiating his claims of innocence.

In February 2012, the male student—identified as “John Doe”—escorted his girlfriend’s roommate, identified as Sandra Jones, back to her residence hall where Jones then performed oral sex on him. Doe alleges that he was blacked out during the encounter.

According to Doe’s attorneys, Jones filed her complaint against Doe nearly two years after the event, at the urging of an on-campus victim’s advocate and member of Amherst’s Special Oversight Committee on Sexual Misconduct.

During the school’s trial, Jones said she texted a friend to console her after Doe left. However, an attorney hired by Doe after his expulsion introduced evidence to discredit those claims.

Instead of requesting her friend’s help, as claimed, text messages show the following conversation occurred between the accuser and a female friend—identified as “DR” in legal filings—immediately after the incident:

Jones: Ohmygod I jus did something so fuckig stupid

DR: What did you do

Jones: F#cked [Doe]… F#CK

DR: No you didn’t…

Jones: Official story is he puked and I took care of him but yes. Yes I did. F#CK

DR: [Jones] what are you doing????????

Jones: Oh and apparently [ML]s coming over so nothing happened everything’s fine

“ML” is a male friend who Jones invited over the same night, after Doe had left her room. Text messages depict a flirtatious exchange between Jones and ML in which the alleged victim urged the male student to “come over and entertain me.” References to this conversation were allegedly omitted during the school’s trial.


11 Comments on Another Case of a College “Sexual Assault Survivor” Turns Out To Be Politically Motivated Feminist Lies

  1. These Bitches should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Criminally and civil. You know what’s going to happen is if this continues and some poor girl with virtues does get raped, it will be yea what ever.

  2. Pay attention to the colleges your children choose, the feminazis are everywhere. I went to freshmen orientation recently and the dean of students basically blamed all the incoming freshmen males as the aggressors and 99% at fault of any sexual or alcoholic incident.
    I find out on the way home that the night before two of the late night student activities for the incoming class run by upperclassmen included an award for best “pick up line” and a female twerking contest.

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