Another Foreign Policy Disaster on Jake Sullivan’s Watch – IOTW Report

Another Foreign Policy Disaster on Jake Sullivan’s Watch

WFB: Sickly, sleep-deprived psychopath recently boasted, ‘The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.’

Jake Sullivan, the cadaverous Yale grad and competitive speed walker who serves as national security adviser to President Joe Biden, is at the center of yet another foreign policy debacle.

• “The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades,” Sullivan boasted at the Atlantic Festival on September 29.

• Days later, Hamas terrorists funded by the Biden administration stormed into Israel and murdered more than a thousand Jews, including at least 27 Americans, in the worst outbreak of anti-Semitic violence since the Holocaust.

Sullivan joined the Obama administration in 2009 as deputy chief of staff to then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton. He served as national security adviser to then-vice president Joe Biden until 2014 and joined the Biden administration as national security adviser in 2021. During his time in government, Sullivan has presided over some of the most humiliating national security disasters in American history.

• The “kinetic military action” campaign against Libya in 2011, widely regarded as a failure that ultimately led to the Benghazi scandal and the assassination of U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens. more

14 Comments on Another Foreign Policy Disaster on Jake Sullivan’s Watch

  1. Yes, the Middle East is the quietest it’s been in two decades, and our southern border is secure. What the hell is it with these people; don’t they realize there is this thing called the internet? This level of lying might have worked in 1965, but it doesn’t fly anymore.

  2. We do not have the best of minds to fit any war against any nation. We have no Pattons or Eisenhowers, or anyone that I feel confident about. We’ve been done in since the Viet Nam war. I see a bleak future for the US, and it matters not where you live, the politics or laws.

  3. Just another satanic globalist elite operative. Not that I have any admiration for the Luciferian, but he is one of the more articulate administration liars.

    The Hillezelbub alums far outshine the check box twits associated with Pedo McStumblebum…


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