Another Labor Tradition – Union Violence – IOTW Report

Another Labor Tradition – Union Violence

The Lid

Something usually not discussed on Labor Day weekend is the violence and thuggery which has always been part of the union movement. And it still happens. The history of the labor movement in the U.S. is littered with extremists who use violence to get their way. More

9 Comments on Another Labor Tradition – Union Violence

  1. Don’t forget that the unions have full govt support. Everybody knows about the NLRB’s bias. There’s one area many don’t know about: a good number of states have laws prohibiting going around in public with a mask on unless it’s Halloween or some similar event…except for union activities especially picket lines. North Carolina is such a state and I’m fairly sure there are others with a similar cutout for union thuggery.

  2. OTOH, look up “Ludlow Massacre”, where the wives & children of striking miners were slaughtered by machine gun at the hands of John D Rockefeller’s minions.
    Unions today are not the stewards of workers rights they once aspired to.

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