Another pervert turns up in Adam Schiff’s orbit – IOTW Report

Another pervert turns up in Adam Schiff’s orbit

American Thinker:

We all know about Rep. Adam Schiff’s gamy ties to pervert and Democratic donor Ed Buck, who’s since been busted for his penchant for drugging and sometimes killing not-always-willing young black gay men.  Schiff took at least$2,700 from Buck and posed for a picture with him, too.  Buck was a big in the West Hollywood radical gay community, and Schiff, while not gay, clearly feels at home with those far-leftists.

Now there’s another one turning up in Schiff’s orbit.  According to KABC News of Los Angeles:

PACIFIC PALISADES, LOS ANGELES (KABC) — Dr. Bruce M. Hensel, a former longtime medical correspondent for KNBC in Los Angeles, was arrested Wednesday morning on suspicion of asking a 9-year-old girl to send him sexually suggestive pictures, authorities said.

Hensel, 71, was taken into custody about 10:15 a.m. by investigators from the Los Angeles Police Department’s Juvenile Division, a spokesperson for the agency said. He was released later in the day after posting $5,000 bail.

Eeew.  And there are unconfirmed reports that Schiff was friends with the man.  That detail isn’t confirmed just yet, and it’s well known that journalists are not supposed to donate to political campaigns, which makes the matter hard to prove.  What is known is that Schiff is close enough to the man to participate in common political missions with him.  In 2009, Schiff participated in a Hensel-moderated town hall in Alhambra to lie to voters about Obamacare.  Both were well known advocates pushing against skeptical members of the public to assure that all was well with the now detested program. read more

16 Comments on Another pervert turns up in Adam Schiff’s orbit

  1. I’m not buying Shifty isn’t gay.

    Pelosi isn’t so clean herself. GP has an article up about how her son also has benefited from dear old Mom and business dealings with Ukraine as well.

    Ukraine seems like a pretty good scheme, send them money and they give it back to politicians and their kids. I guess that’s why everyone in D.C. seems to love Ukraine.

  2. It says something about Schiff that he is cozy to so many perverts (or it just says something about California). It also says something about the Clintons that so many in their orbit have met sudden, suspicious ends.

  3. Ties to the Podesta Group of sleaze…

    All I had to do is look up Wiki:,_Maria_Karras,_and_Heather_Podesta.jpg

    I sent it to the Hoft brothers over at GWP…

    Cue Sargent Schultz – “I know nothing!”


    Cue Arte Johnson – ” verrrry interesting…”

    Both wore German battle helmets…


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