‘I’m A Pedophile’: Biden-Era USPS Chief in Mail-In Ballot Unit Arrested After Trying To Meet Teen Boy For Sex.

National pulse-

A high-level U.S. Postal Service official appointed under President Joe Biden was caught during a child sex sting, admitting “I’m a pedophile” on camera.

Russell Rappel-Schmid, the Chief Data Officer for the U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), was caught in San Diego, California attempting to meet a 14-year-old boy for sex.

The PRC is responsible for overseeing the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) – which deals with mail-in ballots during election season – and Rappel-Schmid was tasked with running the commission’s data management and compliance with the OPEN Government Data Act.

While federal authorities have not yet confirmed the man in the video is Rappel-Schmid, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department announced that Rappel-Schmid was released from the city’s Central Jail early Tuesday morning after being arrested on Monday. His felony arraignment is set for next Monday.
more. h/t Mrs6pak.


  1. They may want to pay attention to the freak in charge of our nuclear waste also.
    Should be easy to find as he’s the chrome dome in a dress and high heels.

  2. now everyone knows.
    but, previous to this, it was probably known to a select few, and they cherished that knowledge, because it gave them the power of blackmail. they’ll replace him, a guy who had to do something, with a guy that wants to do something.

  3. There’s obviously a pattern here with Pedo Peter and appointing these monsters to public positions that undermines our society and security. The biggest security threat is his kid Humper, drug addict, pedophile, philanderer, just a sorry excuse for a human being. Someone needs to take out the garbage.

  4. beachmom July 14, 2022 at 8:02 am

    The fake administration is all about bringing ungodly freaks into the limelight and putting them in charge.

    Only if we allow it. I feel like Sri Lanka is about to get lit here in the US. We’ve already seen what the ferals will do with their smash and grab at high-end department stores. Mansions will be more exciting and lucrative for the ferals.

  5. @Goldenfoxx July 14, 2022 at 9:19 am

    > I feel like Sri Lanka is about to get lit here in the US.

    Dozens, of millions, of foreign invaders (with full bladders)… Dozens, of millions, of Bolshevik “refugees” (with plenty of saliva)… And dozens, of millions, of conservatives (with spinning bowties)… will abort that.

  6. The Overton Window is moving towards legal sex with children.

    First it was just let the queers keep to themselves. Then it was let the queers come out. Then it was celebrate the queers, then it was let the queers marry.

    First it was just let the Trannies keep to themselves, Then it was let the Trannies out, then it was celebrate the Trannies, then it was let the Trannies groom.

    See how that works?

    Soon it will be just let the Pedos keep to themselves, then it will be OK to be a Pedo, then they will be celebrated, then the children are fucked, literally.

    So Peggy and every other demon infested liberal, first you want to murder innocent babies in the womb, then you want sex with the surviving children. That’s were the line gets drawn.

    You sick twisted legion of Satan worshippers are about to get the war you have been asking for.

    And we will kick your demonic assess.


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