Another Unassimilated Muslim Attacks Their Employer – IOTW Report

Another Unassimilated Muslim Attacks Their Employer

Syrian Hairdresser Who Slit His Boss’s Throat “Began to Talk About Allah More and More.”

Last month we reported on an incident in the German town of Herzberg, where a Syrian employed as a hairdresser severely wounded his boss by cutting her throat. The horrendous deed was made more poignant by the fact that the assailant had previously been touted in the press as a model of “integration”.

Below is a follow-up on the grisly story featuring an interview with the victim after she had recovered sufficiently to speak to reporters. Many thanks to Nash Montana for translating this article from Lausitzer Rundschau:

“For me there weren’t any signs that I could see”

Herzberg’s hairdresser speaks about the knife attack by her Syrian employee.


ht/ js

20 Comments on Another Unassimilated Muslim Attacks Their Employer

  1. A mind control death cult. Every member is programmed to detonate.
    The only variables are those of timing.

    Similar to a virus. Dormant at first.
    But always there, always ticking.

    Like any disease:
    1. Awareness and identification.
    2. Quarantine.
    3. Eradication.

  2. She had the hots for him. All European woman are attracted to these exotic high testosterone males who are manly in comparison to the pussified politically correct European males. What if they were bringing in tens of thousands of the exotic middle eastern women age 16 to 30? Even the pussified European males would be for that.

  3. You would think that nearly getting your head chopped off would be a bit of a wake-up call for even the most devout progressive, but not this ignorant blint. She just can’t understand why he would do this and wonders what she did wrong.

  4. The razor cut is a precise technique used by the most skillful barbers and hairdressers, he probably thought she actually wanted to be cut with a razor, he was just following orders from the she-boss. Language fail.

  5. Call me paranoid, but I would never sit in a chair and knowingly let a Muslim put a razor next to my throat. I am too risk adverse. I rarely swim in the ocean because I not the top of the food chain in that environment.

  6. We never know what exactly sets these walking time bombs off, but we do know that Politically Correct, slow-learning, bed-wetting, bead-strumming, White guilt-ridden, kumbaya-singing, Liberals from Planet Vacuous are enabling these animals, and these animals count on liberals being Politically Correct, slow-learning, bed-wetting, bead-strumming, White guilt-ridden, kumbaya-singing, useful idiots from Planet Vacuous to accomplish their fiendish agenda!

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