Anti MAGA hat menace goes missing – IOTW Report

Anti MAGA hat menace goes missing

DC: A California woman who allegedly harassed a 74-year-old Trump supporter at a Starbucks in Palo Alto, California, was reported missing Friday.

Rebecca Parker Mankey, 46, did not return home after a trip to Lake County, California, according to the Lake County Sheriff’s Office. Investigators suspect that Mankey is laying low after berating a senior citizen wearing a MAGA hat in a Starbucks coffee shop, Fox News reports. Authorities say that they were able to track Mankey’s cell phone to a location in Aberdeen, Washington, where they believe Mankey has gone missing of her own volition.  more here

33 Comments on Anti MAGA hat menace goes missing

  1. She’ll be in hiding for about six months because that’s about how long it will take her to grow out her hair because of the stupid immature style she chose trying to be young and hip.

  2. Why is this news? TBH, I suspect many progressives up and disappear never to be heard from again. Not smart enough to breath, eat, get a job, take care of themselves, handle even rudimentary hygienic demands, wandering aimlessly with no direction or purpose, typical side effect when you disconnect your brain.

  3. joe6pak APRIL 22, 2019 AT 8:47 PM
    I’m pretty close to Aberdeen. Maybe I’ll get my MAGA hat and go to Aberdeen and see if I can flush her out.

    She’ll be near the bus station trading favors for cannibus

  4. (Sticks microphone in her face, camera rolling…)

    “Hi there, Rebecca! I’m Joe Kick.Your.Ass Sixpack with iOTW Report. We’d like to…”

    “AAAAAAAACK! Your hat! Get it away from me!” (Continues screaming)

    (Joe removes his hat and shoves it near her face (but doesn’t touch it).

    “You mean this one?”

    Now with mohawk shaved off and totally bald, she breaks down crying. Turning to the camera, Joe finishes his report.

    “And there you have it. From Aberdeen, Washington, this is Joe Sixpack for iOTW Report.”

  5. Different Tim April 22, 2019 at 8:43 pm

    She’ll be in hiding for about six months because that’s about how long it will take her to grow out her hair because of the stupid immature style she chose trying to be young and hip.

    Funny how all that was a scream for attention and once she actually got it she didn’t want it any more.

    Amazing how Schadenfreude is tasteless and odorless and yet so delicious.

  6. Waiting for the “While I was hiking in the woods, far from civilization as I wanted to be alone with nature and Mother Gaia, I was assaulted and robbed by 2 white guys wearing MAGA hats” in 5….4…..3……2…..

  7. Geez, just yesterday I read the story of Carlos Sanchez Ortiz de Salazar, a Spanish doctor that disappeared 20 years before he was found living a hermit’s life in Tuscany woods.

    Rebecca Mankey should do everyone a favor and follow his example. .

    Even better if she follows the path of Christopher Thomas Knight who self isolated himself in the woods of Maine for 27 years. However, Carlos was only seen briefly by mushroom hunters, then promptly disappeared again. Christopher was arrested for breaking into cabins.

  8. I live an hour from Aberdeen, I lived in Aberdeen for 25 years. Pretty small town, think I’ll see if I can’t locate her this weekend, tell her how much I love Trump.


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