Antifa attack anti-vaccine mandate protestors in Boston – IOTW Report

Antifa attack anti-vaccine mandate protestors in Boston

Post Millennial –

Clashes between protestors and Antifa members broke out at Boston Common on Sunday as protestors gathered for a rally against COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates.

The protestors and Antifa were separated by police in riot gear and fencing temporarily placed for the event, and streets surrounding Boston Common were closed down in anticipation of the event, according to NBC 10.

The two groups clashed on at least one occasion, with Antifa members appearing to overpower police as they broke through the fence line.

The rally was organized by Super Happy Fun America and the Refounding Fathers Coalition, with the event being aimed to “resist vaccine passports, face diapers, mass layoffs, and unconstitutional mandates.”

The rally started at around noon, with a coinciding counterprotest featuring a brass band to overpower speakers at the rally. more here

18 Comments on Antifa attack anti-vaccine mandate protestors in Boston

  1. At least in the beginning these punks used to hide behind the facade of “social justice”, standing up in opposition of police brutality and racism. Now, any excuse to go beat up “normal people”.

    The funny thing thing is I’m betting most of these goons are not vaxed themselves. No matter, the welfare checks don’t come in until next week, let’s go stir up some trouble. And no worries of getting arrested, only the other guys, the legitimate law abiding protestors, exercising their constitutional protected freedoms have to worry about that.

  2. ANTIFA represents the progs footsoldiers. The progs have but one playbook, these are cut from the same cloth subhuman pieces of shit as joined the SS and were the National Socialists footsoldiers.

    Make absolutely no mistake, it is documented in the “progressives” own periodical literature, published in England and the United States, intended for internal consumption, the progressive movement and Fabisns in England absolutely adored Hitler and the National Socialists right up to the very day of Operation Barbarossa. We have seen this before and anyone with a lick of sense recognizes it for what it is.

  3. This is being directed from top down. These assholes in charge of the local cells are incapable of acting on their own. If they step an inch out of line they are out. Their followers better stay in line too or they will be dealt with. We know what happened in Portland when they had a “loose cannon.” He was liquidated

  4. @ JDHasty

    I would like to see Mark Dice take a poll of college students if they would support a new party:

    The National Socialist American Workers Party

    Then list what the Nazis did – which is what they are doing right now anyway.

    I would not be surprised if only one or two people would pick up on the parallel.

    Ironic that they don’t know they are literally the modern version of the Nazis while accusing others of it.

    They are ignorant and full of themselves. Just like any other bully.

  5. As for our brown shirts being an FBI supported thing – how convenient if true. As soon as we fight back there’s a reason for Martial law. All pushed by the very people sworn to protect us.

  6. I live in Boston and was there as an observer. It’s worse than what’s being reported. The cops actively stopped non antifa people from entering the gates and forced them into the antifa crowd where they were assaulted. Oil was poured on them, they were pepper sprayed and beaten with sticks and flag poles. There’s a lot more to be told about this event than you are hearing.

  7. @ Anonymous SubPrime NOVEMBER 8, 2021 AT 10:59 AM

    Please take your phone, or another recording device, when you go somewhere to observe. You know the rule: Pics or it didn’t happen.

    Even then they’ll lie about it, but the rest of would get to see the truth.

  8. the fascists in Antifa got jealous of the anti-vaxx mandate protestors. The fascists want to be the only ones on the streets “protesting” and don’t want any competition.

  9. Loons. They claim to be ant-fascist but promote state control over everyone including government power to inject us with poison. They are Hitler’s spiritual offspring and share so much else with fascism – hatred of Christianity, destruction of Jewry (by eliminating Israel), euthanasia, abortion, weeding out undesirables, support of sick science (Darwinism), environmentalism, embrace of violence for political purposes.

    They are completely un-American.

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