Antifa cell will see the inside of one – IOTW Report

Antifa cell will see the inside of one


For years we’ve been gaslit with the nonsense from people who know better that the people who rioted for years across the country with their BLM buddies, especially leading up to the 2016 and 2020 elections, are “just an idea,” as Joe Biden asserted during a presidential debate. They are a myth, Rep. Jerry Nadler said. They are vapor. A non-entity. Billions in damage and hundreds of hospitalized cops — especially along the West Coast, Messed Coast™— didn’t exist.

But things just got real in San Diego. 

13 Comments on Antifa cell will see the inside of one

  1. It’s a start but there is much to do. The cities are teaming with locust that loot and shoot and destroy. Police are reluctant to anything as the D.A.s are willing to drop charges or liberal judges throw out the case.
    I now avoid the city as much as I can and at the first sign of trouble I’m headed the other way.

  2. Until it is no longer a crime to protect yourself from this evil, nothing going to change. The corruption of the police, judges, prosecutors and District Attorneys leaves the victims at the loss. Our local gas/grocery store was robbed at gunpoint. The owner was banged up and required hospitalization but he fired back and killed that perp. He is now facing murder charges.

  3. Tree huggers – “The lack of tree canopies and green space in black, Asian and Latino-majority communities is due to institutional racism, according to progressives.”

    When I drive trough the ghetto, most of the yards don’t even have a lawn. Seems like a personal choice to me. (If they did have one they might have to mow it.)

  4. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. –Edmund Burke

    OH, so true, but DO NOT confuse patience with strength


  5. ANTIFA and BLM came to my county. Seems they had a beef with the unofficial name our our county seat. Hangtown. They were overwhelmed with armed rednecks. However it wasn’t just rednecks. They were threatening violence in the suburbs at that time. They were going to burn down homes etc. That night on my way home every other home had a guy in a business suit setting of his front porch with an AR and a plate carrier. Our Sheriff eventually issued a public statement that he couldn’t guarantee their safety. The first day they came here they met at our Town Center. On my way home I observed pick up truck after pick up truck full of young peeps with base ball bats at our local LE waiving them in. They came here one more time but it’s was mostly women.
    Moral of the story is ANTIFA and BLM will survive until the people say fuck this.

  6. “In addition to attacking the Trump supporters at a “Patriot March,” they attacked a dog, sprayed people with pepper spray, and brutally beat women. The attack was pre-planned”

    I wonder how much time they will serve?

    Probably only a fraction of time than the much more brutal crime of trespassing on capitol grounds.

    Speaking of which, why are “misinformation experts” claiming Trump lied when he said J6 protesters were escorted by police? I saw it with my own 2 eyes, captured on video. Hmm, must have been a cheapfake. I’m sure the media will sort it out with KJP.

  7. Antifa across the country will riot on Nov 6 through January 20. They will burn down blue America to discredit PDJT. They know they cannot prevail in Red states but they will burn down the blue urban liberal cities in Red states.

    I say let them. Let the commies eat themselves…


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