Antisemitic NY Times – IOTW Report

Antisemitic NY Times


An anti-Semitic cartoon in the International edition of the New York Times depicted Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a guide dog with a big nose and Star of David around his neck, leading a corpulent, equally large-nosed President Trump wearing a yarmulke (Trump’s not Jewish).

There was outcry, and the paper responded, but as Newsbusters Nicholas Fondacaro wrote on Sunday:

Nowhere has The New York Times actually apologized or expressed regret for posting the anti-Semitic cartoon. They simply called it “an error of judgment.” They also offered no explanation of how the cartoon managed to get through their supposedly vigorous editorial process.

Even liberal journalist Howard Fineman thinks something stinks in Timesland regarding its treatment of Jews, tweeting:

Something’s awry at nytimes. It publishes an op-ed claiming that Jesus wasn’t Jewish; a Streicher-like anti-Semitic cartoon; buries the California synagogue shooting story on page 17 of the print paper during the days of Holocaust Remembrance.

Indeed, the cartoon does not mark the paper’s first foray into anti-Israel tropes. Reporter Jonathan Weisman was responsible for an offensive chart that accompanied a Times article on Jews in the U.S. Congress in 2015, labeling Democratic lawmakers against the Obama administration’s controversial nuclear deal with Iran as “Jewish?” or not (the “Jewish?” part was removed from the online version after outcry).

After its first response flopped, the Times issued a somewhat stronger statement on Sunday, saying it was “deeply sorry” for publishing the cartoon.


10 Comments on Antisemitic NY Times

  1. I fail to understand why the NYT continues to be the most important and respected newspaper in the country for a majority of Americans.

    As for me? I don’t read it and usually don’t follow links that lead to an article in it.

  2. “Antisemitic NY Times”

    …isn’t that first word redundant to the last two?

    …you know, like saying “Wet Water”, or “Hot Fire”, or “Violent Muslim”, or “Evil Democrat”, the SECOND word already implies the FIRST…

  3. If there ever was a facade hiding the Times’ anti-semetism, it’s down now. This has to be fought vigorously and without holding back. Those who don’t speak out, are guilty of silent acquiescence. This country is being taken over from within and we are blessed with ball-less, sackless, incompetent cowards for legislators. God save our Country who so many fought and died for. These republicans just stand by and watch as it all falls to ruin. I absolutely see a revolution coming and, as old as I am, I’ll be participating. SPEAK UP you miserable excuses for leadership.


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