Any Poker Players Out There? – IOTW Report

Any Poker Players Out There?

Try and calculate the odds of this ever happening.

Poker players are probably thinking I am posting quads over quads, or royal flush over quad aces. Nope. This is strange.

21 Comments on Any Poker Players Out There?

  1. I’m good at predicting things:
    I’m a gonna predict Democrats will perform a LOT of crimes tonight (Saturday night) then yell racism when caught.
    Let’s see if I’m right.

  2. Ok, I know LOTS of Poker players. One relative is actually an Amature professional poker player (meaning no capital backup but plays and enters tournaments) and this is amazing if it is real. Having a gift to read/count cards before they are drawn, is something else. Many imagine if you had that talent? Hmmmm!

    God Bless us all!

  3. some folks have an excellent memory for cards … cards that have been dealt, played, the remaining to be played & calculate the odds of what’s next … it gets more complicated the sillier the game (wild cards, progressives, hole cards, etc.)

    it’s why Vegas bans card-counters

    be interesting to pole the iOTWers on the most memorable poker hand they ever won … or lost

  4. One game I used to like is Alaska Rip-Ass. 7 card stud, high/low declare, match the pot if you lose. You can really clean up with a hogger. Good drinking game, but you could go home broke on a bad night.

  5. @Μολων Λαβε — I’ve held a few straight flushes (but never ace high) playing poker, but the most memorable hand I’ve ever had was playing cribbage with my father: I got the 29 pointer, the highest possible cribbage hand.

    (Any cribbage player knows what that is. While I could explain it for a non-player, trust me when I say you’d be muttering “TL;DR” before I was done.)

  6. Been there, done that. I do deal bar poker. I do have a picture showing where I dealt a royal flush on the board. I do not know what the odds were for doing that, but it was interesting

  7. And twice, in the big blind I have been dealt 23 suited and hit a straight flush. What are the odds? One of those times I actually lost the hand because another player drew to a higher straight flush. I did get the “bad beat” though. so I made more money from losing than I would have if I won.

  8. My brother played poker fairly well. He kept a spreadsheet and average take was something like $175/night. Not bad for a couple hours doing what you really enjoy.

    He had a friend who would pick him up in an older Eldorado. The guy had a half million in chips in his trunk. Maybe over a half million. I saw them and nearly shit my pants. IIRC my brother told me he “had a lot of chips at home” and would only cash in less than $5K at a time so he didn’t have to give the IRS any info. The chips in the care were just his walking around money I guess. He had chips from literally dozens and dozens of places.

    He had another friend who was a drunk. I mean a stinking drunk. She would be flat on her ass broke when they got to the casino or card room. She would borrow a Benjamin from my brother, pay him back ten minutes later before she started drinking. Be up thousands within an hour, I saw her with at least $10K in chips at a place that used to be by the house, and then start drinking and leave flat on her ass once again. My brother told me she knew every card in every hand when sober.

  9. Uncle Al, Geoff C. has to tote up my hand for me in cribbage. I’m like a backward two year old who sticks out three fingers to show how old they are. “Fifteen one, fifteen two …. that’s all I got.” Geoff stifles a patient laugh as he takes my cards and shows me for the eleventieth time all the points I left on the table. I’m no good at card games.

  10. Way back when, I only played with friends and family and the occasional drunk from the bar that came for the after-closing party.

    Didn’t mind losing because I only brought what was OK to lose and could stop at any time, but when I won big and took all of someone’s money, I felt bad for them.

    One time, I played one of those drunks by being that guy that telegraphed his hand like a first timer. I had an anti-poker face, if you will.

    At the end of the night he had four deuces and started to rake the pot because I was talking about whether he had two pair or three of a kind against my two jacks showing. He had a pair of deuces showing. And I was talking out loud through my concerns..

    I’m sure he thought I was an idiot rube.

    Wait wait! I have 4 Jacks. He had cashed his paycheck that night so I had all his money at that point.

    I decided that even when winning, I did not like this game. I only play for fake chips now, if I play at all.

  11. My mother in law counts cards and she knows what everyone has like magic, it’s so annoying to play with her. Plus her nephew counts too, and when they get together with the rest of us for a ‘friendly’ card game it’s like a game of torture.

  12. I used to like to play Red Dog, with real cards, not on line.

    Also, a poker game called Fiery Cross, which my dad renamed “Fiery Crotch”.

    It sounds like a game Klansters would have played, but who knows.

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