Anyone Here a Panic Attack Sufferer? – IOTW Report

Anyone Here a Panic Attack Sufferer?

80% of the information we take in comes through vision
• The retina is an extension of the developing brain and is made up of neurons
• The retina is the only part of the brain that is ever exposed to light
• Almost ½ the brain is connected to visual processing
• The tranquility of the mind and activation of the eves are linked
• vision is linked to mental and emotional states, affecting eye movements

24 Comments on Anyone Here a Panic Attack Sufferer?

  1. Out of nowhere I started getting nasty panic attacks summer of 2019. Couldn’t figure out what was causing it, so I started eating better, exercising more, and the ultimate cure was to quit drinking. They gradually went away over the course of about a year. Now I have an occasional cocktail, but if I drink back-to-back for 4 or 5 nights in a row, mild attacks start to flare up and I’m convinced they would get real bad again if I keep at it, so I just don’t really drink anymore.

  2. Just my opinion: The sh*t that veterans have to put up with causes the majority of PTSD, which is also linked to panic attacks. We can deal with combat, generally. What we can’t deal with it having the VA turn down disability claims that are cut and dry. That is what makes people lose it. Also, I remember arriving at exactly opening time at the VA office to get a form to get a VA loan. Shaniqua 1 and Shaniqua 2 chattered on, enjoying their coffee, and relating what they watched on TV the previous evening. After 45 minutes they finally motioned me to the desk. And I was the only person waiting. Cheese and ****ing rice. Oddly enough, ever since we relocated Down South all the public servants here have been uniformly helpful, polite, and professional. Like living in a different country. And the VA hospital here is better than Walter Reed.

  3. I used to have panic attacks put it’s been quite a long time since I had one. Wait it’s only been a few months. Now I’m starting to panic. Where the hell did I put that highlighter?

  4. I realized as I have gotten older that I had developed claustrophobia, which is actually a panic attack at being in tight, closed places.
    It really has gotten worse. I did some research on it and found the weirdest solution.
    Math problems. You start doing multiplication problems with at least 4 digits.
    It accesses a different part of the brain that closes out the panic mode. It works. I’ve solved many math scenarios in my head and now I are a genius. 😵‍💫

  5. I didn’t get panic attacks until the hospitaL killed my mother. Then the Sheriff shows up not even 1 hour after she passed. Walked right into my mothers house and demanded that I give him all her meds. That did it for me. He left empty handed.


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