AOC Calls Biden Impeachment Hearing an Embarrassment – IOTW Report

AOC Calls Biden Impeachment Hearing an Embarrassment

19 Comments on AOC Calls Biden Impeachment Hearing an Embarrassment

  1. AOC Calls Biden Impeachment Hearing an Embarrassment

    It’s embarrassing that we have reached this point in American history. A stolen election won by an 80 yo pedophile dementia patient. AOC, the Democrat party is a big embarrassment, you’re one of the biggest..

  2. This from someone who — as the accompanying photo shows — faked shock and grief while standing next to a cyclone fence which stood next to a vacant lot. Whatever happened to the ethics charge against her claiming her boyfriend as her husband? What a nerve.

    Godless people everywhere are an embarrassment.

  3. It IS an Embarrassment that at MINIMUM, BEFORE THE STEAL, 49% of the population could not detect the Joey is a Scumbag, a Racist, a Liar & naturally Stupid BEFORE the DEMENTIA SET IN.

  4. The homely donkey-jawed barfly is nothing more than a very bad paid actor. The embarrassment on her should be how she refused to pay business taxes to the IRS follwoing the ;aighable collapse of her “publishing company”. Fact is she’s in league with Joe Biden’s recent neo-nazi endorsers and his deep and covert hatred of black people.

  5. The homely donkey-jawed barfly is nothing more than a very bad paid actor. The embarrassment on her should be how she refused to pay business taxes to the IRS follow the laughable collapse of her bogus “publishing company”. Fact is she’s in league with Joe Biden’s recent neo-nazi endorsers and his deep and covert hatred of black people.

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