AOC Chief-of-Staff Eating a PLANET RAPING HAMBURGER Right in AOC’s FACE!!!!!! – IOTW Report

AOC Chief-of-Staff Eating a PLANET RAPING HAMBURGER Right in AOC’s FACE!!!!!!

15 Comments on AOC Chief-of-Staff Eating a PLANET RAPING HAMBURGER Right in AOC’s FACE!!!!!!

  1. I fully expect her to tweet that she knew she was being watched and told her COS to eat a burger to troll Republicans.

    Now go watch that new video of her playing with a dog. It’s charming.

  2. Watching powerful Women Of Color question Mr Cohen how illegal and racist Donald Trump truly is. It won’t be long until Hillary is reinstated as President of the United States.

  3. OAC is planning to reduce flatulent cows one by one. If the calves are aborted, cattle will gradually be eliminated from America. At some point, cattlemen, or more properly, cattle people will attempt to flee with their bovines to Canada to allow their cattle to produce flatulence up there. A cattle proof fence will have to be built on the border to prevent the flight of the flatulaters. Some cows are raised to produce milk, but they can be replaced with coconut trees. Unfortunately, all of this will take a few years longer than twelve years, but if the world is going to be saved from Global Climate Change Warming, this has to be addressed immediately. The Representative of Puerto Rico on the East River is to be lauded for her patience while awaiting the awakening. OAC’s plans for our country seem like something in a really bad Steven King novel.


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