AOC Claims Democrats Lost in Virginia Because They Didn’t Ask for Her Help – IOTW Report

AOC Claims Democrats Lost in Virginia Because They Didn’t Ask for Her Help

neon nettle:

Instafamous Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has claimed that Democrats suffered crushing defeats in Virginia earlier this month because they did ask her and her allies for help.

Speaking in a New York Times article published Sunday, Ocasio-Cortez expressed frustration that she was not brought in to help secure a Democratic victory in the state.

“Before the Virginia elections, it was very clear that our help and our participation was not wanted or asked for,” AOC told the outlet. more

19 Comments on AOC Claims Democrats Lost in Virginia Because They Didn’t Ask for Her Help

  1. “Before the Virginia elections, it was very clear that our help and our participation was not wanted or asked for,” AOC told the outlet.

    No shit, cunt. You are PART of the reason Virginia went Conservative. Or tried to go Conservative.

  2. Helping the DildoCrat party doesn’t mean serving drinks and cocktails from behind the bar.

  3. She should have interposed herself, anyway.
    Shown up at every McAuliffe speech – striding to the microphone and delivering an oration.
    I think she should do that for every Demonrat out there.
    Yeah, Soros should issue the appropriate orders.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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