AOC Thinks Shootings Are Soaring in NYC Because People Want to Feed Their Family – IOTW Report

AOC Thinks Shootings Are Soaring in NYC Because People Want to Feed Their Family

Dan Bongino: New York Representative and esteemed criminologist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thinks she knows what to blame for the spike in shootings in New York City. It’s not Bill de Blasio’s anti-police administration that caused a 411% increase in retirements and disbanded the city’s plainclothes anti-crime unit that patrolled for street crime it’s simply people wanting to feed their families, says AOC.

Apparently she’s under the impression that there’s a wave of shootings being committed against bodegas? more

26 Comments on AOC Thinks Shootings Are Soaring in NYC Because People Want to Feed Their Family

  1. When a leftist is on his/her last legs in a debate, they bring up “hungry children” and everyone is supposed to back off at that point. All those obese children are hungry, I guess. I haven’t seen ribs on a poor kid in decades. Poor kids are totally fat these days.

  2. Melmoth – the poor kids have ‘metabolic syndrome’ thanks to EBT cards and uneducated, single-parent mothers.

    Thanks again, Congress, for screwing-up people’s lives.

  3. Jimmy — Congress had a hand in it, but the responsibility lies with the parents. Gotta stop blaming the wrong people for personal choices, right?

    (I get your point.)

  4. AbigailAdams
    JULY 13, 2020 AT 1:32 PM
    “Jimmy — Congress had a hand in it, but the responsibility lies with the parents. Gotta stop blaming the wrong people for personal choices, right?”

    …speaking of blaming the wrong person, all these shots fired, and NONE of them at the democrat legislatures, democrat city councils, democrat mayors, or democrat (and DeWhineCrat) governors that CAUSED these problems AND STILL ARE.

    …go figure…

  5. 55 years of Johnson’s ‘Great Society’ and Congress hasn’t learned it’s a big FAT mistake? Congress KNOWS – but now they’re hooked on the poor vote, which is rapidly approaching 50% of the population.

    Blame the parents for being stupid. Blame Congress for KNOWING and not ending the bullshit programs!

    That’s my take, and I’m sticking with it.

  6. “And you do need to loot a TV, Rolex, and other electronics along with expensive sneakers to go along with that bread they need.“

    They are going to sell those things to buy food🤣

  7. There’s a reason a lot of “kids” like Cortez champion taking someone else’s hard-earned money to underwrite another’s lifestyle: They aren’t so very far away from the time when their own parents paid for everything they wanted, too.

    The best thing I ever did was make our daughter buy her own first car — at a time when all her friends were getting cars as gifts from their parents. When she graduated high school, she even told me how grateful she was to have been required to earn her own car, insurance and gas.

  8. Gee, AOC, that Amazon facility would have employed hundreds if not thousands IN YOUR DISTRICT. Now, with no jobs, they go hungry BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU STUPID BINT.

  9. AA, my first car was a 55 Chevy station wagon that I bought from a friends grandfather for $100 in 1970. We did have other older cars that I learned to drive, two 53 Chevy’s’ baby blue and white in color, one with a 3 in the tree manual tranny and the other with a 2 speed powerglide automatic tranny, my dad’s 56 Ford F-100 P/U truck, our 63 Dodge station wagon which was my favorite car. My dad also had a maroon 53 Packard Clipper but it was totally worn out by the time i was 16, my dad loved his Packards. No one ever gave me a car but my dad did buy me 4 brand new bias ply tires for my 55 Chevy station wagon when I graduated from HS in 1971. I might have been a little jealous then of some of my friends whose parents bought them cars but I’m grateful for what I had. I still drive an older car, I have a 91 AWD Honda Civic station wagon which is still a great little car with nearly 245,000 miles on it.

  10. Geoff the Aardvark — I love old cars. You can barely tell the difference between a new Mercedes and a Kea, today. They all look the same — and they all seem to be silver.

    I remember putting a hunter green ten speed on layaway while I was earning 50 cents an hour babysitting. It’s a lot of hours to accumulate $100.00 (plus tax) at that rate. But I made the last payment and that baby was all mine!

    I learned to drive driving my grandad’s old red tractor. Then one of my girlfriends had a 1954 Ford truck, primer red. My first car purchase was a 1965 Studebaker Wagonaire station wagon. Thus began my love affair for the old Studebakers. It was $100.00 and I learned how to hone the wheels and change out the brakes and oil. It also had a bum windshield wiper motor that would quit at the worst possible times.

    I graduated to a $500.00, 1963 VW bug when I was a senior in H.S. Sold that to my sister for a buck when I went into the Air Force. She totaled it. 🙁

    Then I saw a 1975 Jaguar XJS at an auto show in Seattle and had to have it. I did, but I didn’t get it until 1983. Had to give it up in 1997 because I couldn’t fit a baby car seat in the back.

    The closest I’ve come to a Packard would have been a a new ’77 Plymouth Bonneville Brougham. Fender skirts. A wonderful ride. Sold that to my neighbor and spent the proceeds on a new chandelier for our dining room.

    For the past 20+ years I’ve driven Ford Mommy Vans. Don’t need them for kids anymore, but they drive like a car, sit above traffic and have got an enormous amount of room for hauling stuff.

    When I get to Heaven, I’d like to take a turn in an original XKE.

    Cars. Don’t you love ’em?


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