AP Is Big Mad It Can’t Punish Opponents – IOTW Report

AP Is Big Mad It Can’t Punish Opponents


Many such internet personalities identify as patriotic citizen journalists uncovering real corruption. Yet their demonstrated ability to spread misinformation unchecked while disguising their true motives worries experts with the United States in a presidential election year.

They are exploiting a long history of trust in American whistleblowers and anonymous sources, said Samuel Woolley, director of the Propaganda Research Lab at the University of Texas at Austin. More

7 Comments on AP Is Big Mad It Can’t Punish Opponents

  1. Many such internet personalities identify as patriotic citizen journalists uncovering real corruption. Yet their demonstrated ability to spread misinformation unchecked while disguising their true motives worries experts with the United States in a presidential election year.

    Many mainstream media personalities identify as objective, unbiased journalists covering real news. Yet their demonstrated ability to spread misinformation unchecked while disguising their true motives worries citizen journalists as well as ordinary Americans, especially with the United States in a presidential election year.

  2. “Are migrants registering to vote using SSN?” Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, an ally of former President Donald Trump, asked on Instagram, using the acronym for Social Security number.”

    AP sure thinks its readers are stupid. That little SSN explainer is something I’d expect in an article for sixth-graders.

  3. “Actual voter registrations during the time period cited were much lower than the numbers being shared online.”

    How much lower, AP? How about providing the “actual voter registration” numbers you reference, instead of being vague?

  4. “…routine requests made by states to verify the identity of individuals who registered to vote using the last four digits of their Social Security number. These requests are often made multiple times for the same individual, meaning they do not necessarily correspond one-to-one with people registering to vote.”

    Or, AP, maybe these requests are being made for the same SSN being used multiple times by many different people. That happens a lot. And with all of the crooked Secretaries of State, such as Riff Raffensperger, all of those people get to vote. Stop covering for criminals, AP.


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