Applying High Voltage to Kids Toys – IOTW Report

Applying High Voltage to Kids Toys

There is something almost cruel about this.

24 Comments on Applying High Voltage to Kids Toys

  1. ^^^ AMEN ^^^. 30 volts is still low voltage as far as NEMA is concerned.
    They will do any thing to get ‘attention” on the internet.
    What bothered me was the dog toy that went ape shit when stung by a bee.
    I get FREAKIN’ PISS’D OFF at any body that takes pleasure in ANY living thing
    in pain or being hurt. I surveyed the woods of coastal SC for 6 years and been
    stung by every dam bee,wasp,hornet,bumble bee and yellow jacket that lives on the coast. It &*(%&$&%^* f’in Hurts! and I am that guy that is not sensitive to bee stings. Rattle snakes were sent to FL snake farm after they bite me to see if their life could be saved…….

  2. 30 V just isn’t enough to get worked up about. I was expecting/hoping something maybe, oh, a thousand times higher. 30 KV would have been more entertaining. You know, smoke and flames and sparks and maybe little explosions. Oh, well.

  3. In the service we would charge up small ceramic caps to 300V and leave them on workbenches, they’d hold a charge for quite a while. Cap was typically 0.1 uF, can’t store enough energy to cause any real damage but it had a real bite if you touched the leads. Wrapping a piece of very thin solder around the prongs on an AC plug could also be entertaining, that is if the victim isn’t trying to murder you.

  4. I worked Industrial maintenance for about 48 years.
    Lots of shocks,working on live circuits in order not to shut things down,mostly low amperage stuff so you just curse yourself for being careless.
    Then one day we were doing a plant move and the electrician i was working with decided to pull the fuses on a 600 hundred volt feed by flipping the fuses out at the feed side using a screwdriver.
    The driver made contact,i can still see the flash in my minds eye.
    He was okay just in a state of shock (pardon the pun).
    Even when you know what you are doing shit happens

  5. When I was young, working for a company as a welder, I was disconnecting a 3 phase 480 volt blower motor in a factory and turned off the power at the disconnect like a good boy. Then I took my uninsulated wire cutters in one hand and held the steel conduit in my other hand and the electricity followed suit. I didn’t realize somebody put a two pole disconnect, on a three phase circuit.
    Yep, couldn’t let go just like they say, in my head I remember saying to myself in slow motion I got to let go.
    I’m pretty sure the lord had some plans for my life because I shouldn’t of made it that day. I turned whiter than snow and was rethink my life choices.


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