Approval of Citizenship Applications Under Trump Administration is at a 5 Year High – IOTW Report

Approval of Citizenship Applications Under Trump Administration is at a 5 Year High

The “racist” is approving as many, or more, legal immigration applicants than Black Jesus’s administration, yet, leftists will run around spreading lies about president Trump because they are still reeling from the humiliating loss of the cankled crunt.


Homeland Security reached a five-year high in approvals of citizenship applications last year, and swore in more people as naturalized citizens as well, according to the new statistical report released Friday night.

Those numbers contradict the criticisms of congressional Democrats who had complained about backlogs building at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the Homeland Security branch that handles legal immigration.

The new report also suggests that far from a crackdown, the government is processing more asylum-seeker petitions than any of the last four years.




7 Comments on Approval of Citizenship Applications Under Trump Administration is at a 5 Year High

  1. I wish he had closed the border completely until congress got off it’s ass but every move has to be a political calculation.
    I’m getting sick of hearing foreign jabbering every time I’m out in public. These new immigrants don’t have the respect to learn our language.

  2. Africans expecting US asylum wade across the river. So first they got into Mexico, but didn’t get stopped on that side by the Mexican military. Actually Mexico is an enemy by aiding this continuing alien invasion. So where is the US Military at the border to protect and defend the country? They are everywhere in the world, except where they belong–at home!

    VIDEO: ‘First large group’ from AFRICA wades across Rio Grande into US
    JUNE 2, 2019
    “This is the first large group apprehended in the Del Rio Sector and the first large group of people from Africa – including nationals from Angola, Cameroon and Congo – apprehended on the Southwest border this year,” according to CBP.
    There were 116 in the group, the agency says.

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