April Snow is Grounds For Violence – IOTW Report

April Snow is Grounds For Violence

There are parts of the country still getting snow. And no, I don’t mean Alaska.

ht/ Annie—->

15 Comments on April Snow is Grounds For Violence

  1. Darn global warming…

    Ice and snow are the main reasons why I moved from PA to AZ 20 years ago. My only regret since then is that I didn’t move 10 years earlier.
    The weather in Phoenix is gorgeous right now.

  2. We had humidity in the 20s yesterday – felt like Montana in May or June – 72°, and sunny. I mowed, weed-eated, put down tick powder, tore the front off the mower to have it welded and changed the fuel lines and fuel filter. Emptied the burn barrel, cleaned the windows on the house and truck, cleaned the dog house (spiders and leaves), installed mole deterrents, hung some rugs on the clothesline and hosed them down with vinegar, soap, and hot water (when it evaporates it takes the odors with it).
    If my memory were a little better I could probably list several other things I got done on account of the good weather. 🙂

  3. Continued from yesterday …., sealed the rain gutters with silicone, did Sassy dog’s nails (with a Dremel tool and a sandpaper drum bit), and ran a couple hundred brass casings through the new Lyman Turbo Pro 1200 I just traded my old tumbler for. Shines like new!

    Memory still works good, just a little slow. That entirely acceptable where I live. 😉

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