AR-15 Goes on Trial for Murder – IOTW Report

AR-15 Goes on Trial for Murder

11 Comments on AR-15 Goes on Trial for Murder

  1. How can an inanimate AR-15 be held accountable for murder? This sounds like something that Jay Inslee and Bob Ferguson wants to do with assault rifles in the state of Washington. The person shooting the gun needs to be held accountable and not an inanimate object. Guns aren’t evil, the person with the gun is, when he or she shoots and deliberately kills another person.

  2. Everybody knows that guns kill people unless it’s used for self-defense. Then the person who pulled the trigger is charged with murder and the gun had nothing to do with it.

  3. Y’know, there may be something to it … I keep my AR in the closet and I found it by the back door. It may have been trying to sneak out to do some mischief!

    Thank goodness I keep that door locked!

    Course, it’s black – so I can’t really see it getting into trouble …


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