Are People Picking Their Nose? How Do They Not See What’s Up Ahead? – IOTW Report

Are People Picking Their Nose? How Do They Not See What’s Up Ahead?

28 Comments on Are People Picking Their Nose? How Do They Not See What’s Up Ahead?

  1. Ice patch on a bridge (notice the expansion joints). See the guy slip and fall at the beginning. The camera was probably on a tractor-trailer and having it stopped in the middle of the road with the other on the right shoulder left these cars nowhere to go.
    The tags on the cars indicate somewhere in Europe or Asia.

  2. Target fixation on an icy road. People are looking at where someone else’s problem is and where their own is until its too late. Most were probably looking at the idiot running in the middle of the road, or looking up the road at collisions that already happened and so were distracted from the car right in front of them.

    This is why fire trucks are parked so obtrusively across highways even if hose is not deployed, for scene protection and to have a giant, 40,000 pound red wall with flashy lights between oncoming traffic and crews working the scene.

    This is also why BOTH sides of the Interstate get shut down if something especially crowd pleasing, like an incoming Air Care helicopter, because if you DON’T you end up with wrecks on the OTHER side from folks forgetting they are driving a car while watching the pretty helicopter hovering over the highway.

    And this was all BEFORE cell phones and navigation systems and in-car media players to distract drivers even more. Nowdays its a wonder if folks even SEE a road over the screen they’re reading their text messages over.

    Plus there’s always that one idiot who thinks he can slalom his way to the off ramp.

    He’s always wrong.

  3. @SNS,
    yep, target fixation.

    It’s also why passengers are always more afraid of their life than the driver. Since he doesn’t have anything to control, he’s focused on the nearest possible wreck.

    At least that’s the way it is when I drive. All passengers have their eyes closed safely parked in the driveway, no tickets, and in record time. Isn’t anyone gonna commend me on those awesome driving skills, I think to myself. No appreciation.

    Target fixation is the number 1 thing you can not do as a motorcyclist. Just try staring off in the ditch, by the fence and cactus; as you take a turn thinking to yourself, gee, that’s the last place I wanna be. That’s exactly where you’ll be.

  4. I had to drive 400 miles down to LA on Tuesday in the rain and encountered (and avoided!) 16 separate collisions involving mostly two vehicles. I just stayed in the slow lane and watched the idiots zoom past to meet their fates. It was annoying because the drive took 3 hours more than normal because of all the stoppages due to stupid drivers.

  5. I’m not sure what the fellow who is standing by the driver’s door of his car is trying to accomplish, except to be a likely statistic.

    The scariest drive for me, bar none, was just this last spring when coming home from a friend’s very remote house. It was freeway, but there is about a two mile stretch where it shares the same elevation as a bog next to a river, and that night all was shrouded in a thick layer of fog. The visibility was about three feet in front of the hood of the car. Fortunately I knew the route well, but was still forced to a very low speed. And though traffic was light, there were those who sped past me. If I couldn’t see anything, I am certain they were in the same situation! It gave me a new appreciation for those 50+ car pileups you hear about (and wonder how on earth they could happen).

  6. Target Fixation? Not that many in a row are that brain dead. About 78% of drivers seem to fixate 10 to 15 feet beyond their bumpers. No matter the speed. Personally I think that’s what cause wrecks like this. No matter the conditions. If you’re hood ornament is in focus while you’re driving, you’re doing it wrong.

  7. When you start seeing multiple taillights coming on when on an interstate, it’s either a speed trap or an accident. Either way, start slowing down. I usually tap the brakes a few times to alert anyone behind me.

  8. Like I tell my daughters, leave more space in front of you. It buys you time to react and it will even out your speed as you travel not having to speed up and slow down constantly. You will get there at almost the exact same time anyway.

  9. There’s always some idiot who runs right down the middle of the tracks while running from an oncoming train. I drove a locomotive for two years and had it happen to me. I had the knucklehead fired for his own good. Hated to do it but I probably saved his life.

  10. When I lived in MN and my sister lived in IA, I traveled several times a year to visit. Driving on Highway 35 past Albert Lea, MN was always strange. I called it the “Albert Lea Rectangle” because, no matter the weather, there was always something weird from about 20 miles north through 20 miles south of that town.

    One winter, especially, the weather and road conditions were fine from either direction until the “Albert Lea Rectangle”. Black ice caused massive crashes and I tooled at a breakneck speed of 5 MPH and was never so glad to get home in one piece.

  11. @Brad, 😂

    I’ve only been on 99 from where it meets 152 just until it connects with the roads to get to Yosemite. I think it’s about 10 mi worth of highway through hell.


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