Are RINOs Karl Rove and Mitch McConnell behind the attacks on Senate Candidate Eric Greitens? – IOTW Report

Are RINOs Karl Rove and Mitch McConnell behind the attacks on Senate Candidate Eric Greitens?

BPR: Missouri Young Republicans Join RINO Witch Hunt Against America First U.S. Senate Candidate Eric Greitens.

The Missouri Federation of Young Republicans (MOFYR) is attacking supporters of America First U.S. Senate candidate Eric Greitens, who is currently under heavy attack by the fake news media and RINO establishment.

The MOFYRs, led by Mary Catherine and Frank Catanzaro, recently issued a complaint to Young Republicans National Federation (YRNF) Chairman Rick Loughery demanding that the New York Young Republican Club (NYYRC) rescind their endorsement of Greitens. They claimed that the NYYRC has been “flaunting YRNF bylaws and endorsement proceedings.”

Additionally, they called for the NYYRC to be sanctioned and robbed of their ability to make endorsements due to their temper tantrum. They asked specifically “for NYYRC to be banned from making future endorsements – for a period not to exceed two years – without first receiving express approval from the YRNF Executive Board.” 

In their compliant, they expressed dismay with a picture of Greitens with NYYRC President Gavin Wax from a fundraiser in New York City for 9/11 first responders that occurred last year on the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack.

It should come as no surprise that the Missouri RINOs at the Young Republicans are politicizing 9/11 to do the bidding of the likes of Karl Rove and Mitch McConnell, who have Greitens firmly in their crosshairs. more

SNIP: [Speaking of attacking from behind, is it true there are gay sex tapes of Karl Rove?]

Before filing explosive abuse claim, Senate candidate’s ex-wife lost two recent rulings
Early news media reports ignored substantial information in public court files, including prior declaration it was in “best interest of children” to share custody with Eric Greitens.

Missouri Senate candidate Eric Greitens announces subpoena over abuse allegations
Greitens’ lawyer wants records of any contacts between his ex-wife and political operatives, including Karl Rove.

13 Comments on Are RINOs Karl Rove and Mitch McConnell behind the attacks on Senate Candidate Eric Greitens?

  1. The mofyr group was quick to jump on the Greitens case with a terrible twat: “Should these allegations prove to be true, we encourage former Governor Greitens to do the right thing and bow out of the Missouri Republican U.S. Senate Primary.”

    It seems to me a more appropriate statement would be “we are holding off until Governor Greitens has his day in court”. But as the title of the IOTW post suggests, RINOs are probably behind the attacks and probably running the mofyr org behind the scenes. If that is true, it is ironic that a “Young Republican” group is being run by “old swamp Republicans”

  2. “Big League Politics will continue to expose RINO treachery against Greitens and his supporters heading into this year’s crucial Republican primary election for U.S. Senate in Missouri.”

    …and nothing will be done about it, RINOS will win in rigged primaries and lose in a rigged general just like the script says, and America will do another circuit in the toilet getting ever closer to the hole in the bottom, just like always…

    …everyone has strong words.
    No one has the ability to address rigged elections.

    Nice that they won’t go quietly, I guess, but go they will, and we with they until the Communist victory is complete.

    …we had a good run. Maybe in a generation or two enough people will come to their senses.

    …if anyone’s left.

  3. The official Republican party, top to bottom, local to national, is RINO. It’s a given. The WA state Rs are just as vile as the Ds. Their youngest members know NOTHING except what they are told to say. Last year when I called the county HQ a young man there wanted to argue opinion against my facts over the 2020 GE steal and had all his talking points queued up. That’s all I needed to know about where the state stands on the issue. He laughed at the idea that WA state’s elections were just as compromised as AZ’s.

    RINOs/Repub party can’t/won’t go up against the Ds, but they sure know how to stab their constituents in the back.


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