Are Toilets getting clogged because of ChinaVirus? – IOTW Report

Are Toilets getting clogged because of ChinaVirus?

Seattle Times: Many Americans seem to be following the recommendations of public health officials to clean and sterilize countertops, doorknobs, faucets and other frequently touched surfaces in their homes.

The problem? Many are then tossing the disinfectant wipes, paper towels and other paper products they used into the toilet.

The result has been a coast-to-coast surge in backed-up sewer lines and overflowing toilets, according to plumbers and public officials, who have pleaded with Americans to spare the nation’s pipes from further strain.

Many say the woes besieging the nation’s infrastructure have been compounded by the lack of toilet paper on store shelves, which is leading some to use paper towels, napkins or baby wipes instead.

Across the country — in Charleston, South Carolina; northeastern Ohio; Lexington, Kentucky; Austin, Texas; and Spokane, Washington — wastewater treatment officials have beseeched residents not to flush wipes down the toilet using the hashtag #WipesClogPipes.

“Flushable wipes are not truly flushable,” said Jim Bunsey, chief operating officer of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. “They might go down the drain, but they do not break up like regular toilet paper.” more

h/t JDHasty

18 Comments on Are Toilets getting clogged because of ChinaVirus?

  1. Watched one of the Japanese propaganda/tourist draw shows
    on by NHK a few weeks ago. They were discussing some areas that had old plumbing that would clog with the use of just
    toilet paper. They said there was a lidded can with a plastic trash bag in all the bathrooms to put your used
    TP in for later disposal. And that fixed that at least
    till some chowhound devours a giant sub sandwich with extra hots.

  2. The neighbor, a liberal, is sitting on his lawn butt naked with his drawers around his ankles, scooting himself backwards. His dog is in the same position but the dog is scooting himself forward. Dog is smarter.

  3. Flushing twice may actually help the overall situation. But that doesn’t mean it’s OK to flush your damned trash.

    A few years ago I had a conversation with a civil engineer with experience in sewer and storm water systems. He told me that the govt-mandated low flow toilets in many cases didn’t provide enough water to make the systems flow properly. The reason is older systems were designed for older properly-flushing toilets, specifically the slope¹ of the sewer pipe. With less water flowing, they need to be steeper to keep solid material in the flow. Otherwise it settles, builds, and obstructs the pipe.

    You see where this is going, right? The wastewater managers have to flush the pipes out periodically, using…water. In fact, more water than the low-flow toilets save. Ecotard govt “experts” strike again, stupidly trying to do one thing, and suffering unintended consequences severe to the point of making things worse.

    1. I don’t remember the term he used: slope, incline, grade, angle?

  4. My liberal ass brother is a Bellingham Washington resident, gonna take away the booze and the guns (as if a single resident of that pansy ass town has a gun)…that outta keep Corona at bay by golly..liberals are so stupid.

  5. In toronto, we are limited to the size of our garbage bins.

    I don’t know about your cities but for stupid people that may be why they are using the toilet.

    They do not know how to get rid the stuff and are not using their heads.

    I have a small steel bin and a zippo that I use to Burn financial receipts and some other things for security reasons in the back yard.

    Plus it really pisses of my pain in the ass neighbor!


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