Are We Graduating Too Many “Educational Illiterates”? – IOTW Report

Are We Graduating Too Many “Educational Illiterates”?

CFP: In the United States, we spend more money on education than any other country in the world.  You’d think with that expenditure that we would be turning out mostly qualified intellectually savvy graduates, but it seems instead, we are turning out too many “educational illiterates”.  We must be doing something wrong.

If you watch enough current events news programs on T.V. when they interview students and young adults on the street or on the campuses of colleges and universities, when you ask simple questions like, “What is Auschwitz known for”, you get blank stares and no answers. In addition, I saw a “persons on the street interview” where the person conducting the interview asked the interviewees what they thought about the Trump tax plan.  Almost to a person, they thought it was terrible and favored only the rich 1% and corporations.  Then the interviewer asked the people about Bernie Sanders tax plan (but the questions asked were actually provisions of the Trump tax plan).  All said that they agreed with “Bernie’s” plan.

When the interviewer told them that Bernies plan was actually Trump’s plan, they were all amazed and chagrined and had to admit they might be wrong about Trump’s plan.  So much for the Marxist/Socialist indoctrination in the schools and main stream media.  This is the “modus operandi” of the Marxist/Socialists (a/k/a Democrats and Progessives) in trying to instill their agenda of discrediting free enterprise capitalism in favor of the misery producing Marxism/Socialism (a recent poll taken showed that over 40% of millenials said they favored Socialism over Capitalism).  It seems, unfortunately, that the George Soros and Tom Steyer coalition is winning the hearts and minds of the very gullible younger generation (the Millenials) by constant indoctrination in the schools and universities and by the left-leaning media.   more here

18 Comments on Are We Graduating Too Many “Educational Illiterates”?

  1. When I see those interviews on college campuses I hope that the intelligent responses are on the cutting room floor and they outnumber the dolts who make airtime. Please tell me it’s true. Sigh. I’m probably wrong to even hope for that.

  2. Student loans should only be available to fields of study in which you can actually get a job and contribute to society.
    If you want to major in feminine studies, social justice, etc. pay for it yourself.

  3. Once college became a (more or less) universal requirement – funded by taxpayer subsidy – the campuses expanded at an alarming rate and more and more less qualified people were recruited to “teach.” Thus, education became indoctrination as those within the college “system” required ever-increasing funds to fulfill their expansionist dreams. Once the gov’t forced the removal of all standards of admission (to enhance Affirmative Action, and the like) there ensued a general stupefaction of matriculators, and a concomitant necessity to lower the dismally low “standards” to accommodate the dullards.

    As long as the taxpayers are on the hook this will continue.
    Socialized “education.” We are financing the socialist/totalitarian indoctrination of our youth. We are financing our own destruction.

    And now we are importing rat-people to suck the taxpayers’ teats as well.
    Deficit spending; infinite inflation; $20 Trillion in debt and climbing; $220 Trillion in unfunded liabilities; worthless “education;” and an increasingly lazy workforce – doesn’t bode well.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Txn4Evr – student loans should only be available from private entities, which are profit-oriented or charitable and willing to give up the money. They will do their due diligence rather than give away massive amounts of other people’s money.

  5. 1 is too many, but, keep in mind, that article’s from Canuckistan, where it’s lots worse.

    Also keep in mind, most kids can’t be pulled away from their smartphones, so a lot of what the union teachers say bounces right off. Their real problem is, you really do teach a kid economics and history and poli sci and a little religion and they know this stuff is for the birds.

  6. History is more than just dates and places; too many history teachers focus on dates and places because they are lazy. History is a study of past events with future ramifications, systems and the people in charge of managing or implementing these systems including what works and why, and what doesn’t work and why. History is almost never perceived by those who are living through those times, but by historians who are able to look back and examine sometimes lengthy periods of time to perform these examinations and reach conclusions which are frequently vigorously debated.

    The same is true with a study of world affairs, although this area of study focuses on the present and postulates probable futures based on historical precedents. Our world affairs class focused on China, which was just coming out of its Maoist period and trying to determine its future path. We learned that Mao wasn’t really a visionary; he was an autocratic dictator whose policies, tried by many societies and other dictators throughout history, frequently led to the death of millions.

    Many schools have dropped most of their social studies programs. This is both tragic and a potential disaster because many millenials believe they know the way to utopia, although they don’t know what utopia really means and without knowing that many of their so-called forward thinking ideals have been tried and failed miserably in the past. Bernie Sanders’ platform is predicated on having an ignorant base believing Sanders is a forward thinking visionary when in reality Sanders is a left over communist recycling failed policies and systems.

    We can laugh about how ignorant millenials are, but these are people who are trying to direct the future without knowing anything about the past and the failures and successes of these same policies.

  7. Haven’t we gone down this road before? Our elected officials tell us over and over they have the fix…again, lets keep them in office, till they fix it or until till they retire. Which ever comes first. Yea that should work?

  8. Teachers once upon a time many eons ago taught the 3 R’s to great advantage! Now they teach the 3 W’s to no one’s advantage but theirs:
    (1) We want more money!
    (2) We want fewer work hours!
    (3) we want fewer children to teach!

  9. “we are turning out too many “educational illiterates”. We must be doing something wrong.”

    what is this “we” shit, you have a mouse in your pocket ?

  10. Karl (D, not the other one) goes on a bit of a rant. Can’t poke holes in one statement.

    Of college graduates;
    “I instituted two tests before you could get an interview; when you came in and presented a resume you were shown the conference room and given a pencil, piece of paper and the two tests; nothing else was allowed inside. The first was a request to write a basic business letter informing a customer that his account was disabled because he hadn’t paid his bill, and to please remit the balance to continue service. The second was a four-function (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) mathematics screening with 20 questions on it. You needed a 90% on the math to pass and the letter had to be grammatically correct and formatted as a reasonable business letter.

    90% of the applicants failed one or both and more than half failed screamingly, either being completely unable to compose a business letter that could be read and understood as reasonably correct English or failing to get even half of the math correct. More than a few applicants literally walked out leaving behind two blank pieces of paper for “answers”, unable to do any of it. A couple actually wrote things like “**** you” on the test before walking out, clearly unable to do any of it.”


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