Are we sure it’s annual? – IOTW Report

Are we sure it’s annual?


11 Comments on Are we sure it’s annual?

  1. According to the Profit (may the sand fleas of a thousand camels inhabit his nether regions) a burka must be aired out no more than once a decade, whether needed, or not, just like bathing.

  2. Where I live which is out in the boonies, there’s a muzzie woman who wears the same burka everyday. How do I know this? Because it has a big ass hole in the back of it. It’s 100 degrees outside and she’s got pants, a head scarf, and that ugly brown garb on. People who walk by her just roll their eyes. Me, I hold my nose.

  3. You let us know when thousands of her close family and friends start putting up 12′ high fence with concertina wire and finish digging the target traps. Cuz then alot more of us will know where the next training camp is. Just saying.

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