Ariz. Dem Supports Green New Deal: I Want My Generation to Kill Golf – IOTW Report

Ariz. Dem Supports Green New Deal: I Want My Generation to Kill Golf

WFB: Democratic state senator Juan Mendez (Ariz.) on Monday called for Arizona to adopt provisions of the Green New Deal because he wants to be “part of the generation that kills golf” and the “greedy parts of the agriculture business industry.”

Mendez participated in a press conference on “Earth Day” with Democrats and environmental activists, where he touted his support for the Green New Deal.


“I’d rather be part of the generation that kills golf and self-interested, greedy parts of the agriculture business industry than the one that killed the planet,” Mendez said, starting at 16:33. “I have no concern for just one industry’s future. I’m here to protect our shared future, and that does not have to include alfalfa just because it’s safe market choice and has high yields.”

“I believe the Green New Deal and water policy that protects the environment and puts the health and well-being of our communities first is the framework that we need to get our state working toward protecting our planet,” Mendez continued. more

23 Comments on Ariz. Dem Supports Green New Deal: I Want My Generation to Kill Golf

  1. Speaking for myself, but I’m sure for many other golfers, kiss my ass and fuck off you piece of crap!! Whoever is running against him needs more support. “This aggression can’t stand.” the Dude.

  2. @ Bongo – keep posting Rascals archetypes…it works.

    Most of my TV values come from there and Davey and Golaith.

    Every episode, early in the morning from when I remember.

  3. Oh sure, Juan already cashed out some mad dinero from coffee beans, sombrero and a burro. Now the greedy bastardo plans to elbow in on the green energy scam.

  4. When I was 13, I was a caddy at Bethpage State Park. Two summers of that made me decide to never do anything with golf. But I’m not going to deny other people from playing. This guy should STFU.

  5. Golf courses are actually great for the environment so this is so perfectly leftist. All those patches of grass dump oxygen into our atmosphere. Every little blade is breathing out oxygen. I can’t believe this guy’s mistake. Since when is grass bad? Golf courses are grass. Hilarious.

  6. Gee Wally, I sure hope this dweeb turned off the gas and electricity in his mom’s house cuz everybody knows that’s the easiest way to “make a difference” if you really want to!
    Oh and no doubt he rode a bicycle to the Earth day rallys to huh?

    Naw Beave, he’s just a nuther Limousine Liberal just talkin shit and using more resources than you and me together!

  7. When I saw this last night, my first thought was this guy is going on BFH’s list right next to bicyclists. That’s not a good (or healthy) place to be, though it’s richly deserved.


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