Arizona: Chain of custody expert- “They weren’t following the legal requirements for chain of custody” – IOTW Report

Arizona: Chain of custody expert- “They weren’t following the legal requirements for chain of custody”

Chain of custody expert on BOTH runbeck and Maricopa County: “They weren’t following the legal requirements for chain of custody”. WATCH:

Expert suggests The Arizona Elections Procedures Manual shows Stephen Richer was not being truthful when he said he was not responsible for the oversight of drop boxes on Election Day

9 Comments on Arizona: Chain of custody expert- “They weren’t following the legal requirements for chain of custody”

  1. She’s had a few people, experts, that have given some killer testimony.
    This morning someone posted on her Twitter account that he knew there was a “Contract” taken out on her. More than likely bull shit. But then on the other hand if she wins this suit there’s a entire herd of traitorous bastards that might be headed to jail. I hope she’s got some protection. A bunch of Navy Seals volunteered.

  2. There are 160,000 more registered republicans than democrats in Arizona. It defies logic that 160,000 plus 15,000 more crossed over to vote for Kati Hobbs, who didn’t campaign, wouldn’t debate, and had no platform or even a detectable personality.


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