Army Officer Experiences ‘Inexplicable’ Symptoms After Being Forced to Take the COVID-19 Shot; DoD Continues to Evade Accountability – IOTW Report

Army Officer Experiences ‘Inexplicable’ Symptoms After Being Forced to Take the COVID-19 Shot; DoD Continues to Evade Accountability


After the January 2023 rescission of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s August 2021 military vaccine mandate, service members are still suffering at the behest of its untested and unlawful implementation.

The Gateway Pundit spoke with Captain Rebecca Tummers, an officer set to leave the Army at the end of August after 10 years of service. At the height of the coronavirus pandemic, Capt. Tummers was one of thousands of service members reluctant to take the COVID-19 vaccine due to concerns about the expedited timeline to create, test, and manufacture the vaccine.

According to her, “This rush to failure attitude did not take adequate time to identify possible negative side effects to the vaccine, nor populations that may be at increased risk of negative side effects.” more

8 Comments on Army Officer Experiences ‘Inexplicable’ Symptoms After Being Forced to Take the COVID-19 Shot; DoD Continues to Evade Accountability

  1. “Capt. Tummers took the shot in March 2021, reconciling her action by saying she “would die for these soldiers if I had to, so what is another shot in comparison to that?”

    …you may HAVE died for those soldiers, Captain.

    You just may have.

    May the Lord purge you of this evil of vain men and make it not so.

  2. “…calling them benign idiopathic allergic responses.”


    Doctorspeak for “We dont know what caused it”.

    But thats not true, “doctor”, is it?

    Perhaps a BETTER, more ACCURATE two-dollar word would be “Iatrogenic”.

    Doctorspeak for “Doctor Caused”.

    …but ultimately, there are words better STILL to describe it.

    and Treasonous…

  3. “They were the ones administering the shots so they would have every reason to defend its efficacy and safety.”

    They can not.

    Because they are neither efficacious nor safe.

    So all they can do is lie.

    When what they SHOULD do,

    Is hang.

  4. Sounds like an update of the VietNam Agent Orange debacle.

  5. Courageous and patriotic young troops join the Service knowing our enemies could cost them their lives. They selflessly take the plunge in spite of the odds. Today, young troops are more likely to lose their lives because of their chains of command, who gutlessly demand troops take the suicide jab. Why do we need enemies when we have leaders like Biden?


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