When Felice House moved to Texas from Massachusetts, she quickly fell in love with “Western” culture.
House, a painter and artist, moved to Austin to study for her master’s degree before becoming an assistant professor of painting at Texas A&M University.
At first, the culture shock was fun. House says she quickly became infatuated with the Western genre: the outfits, the cowboy boots, the music.
“But when I actually got around to watching Western movies,” she adds, “I was horrified by the roles for … anybody except white men basically.”
The stoic renegades played by John Wayne, James Dean, and Clint Eastwood stood in stark contrast to the helpless damsels they shared the screen with. The empowered and the powerless.
House had spent much of her career painting women in ways that clashed with media representations, so she decided to tackle the male-dominated Western genre.
She put out a call for models and was quickly overwhelmed with women who wanted to participate.

ht/ illustr8r
This, once again, is idiotic. How is this “empowering” to play act like you’re the men?
I don’t get it. I wouldn’t feel empowered as a man to sit in for Whistler’s Mother. Speaking of which, I’ve reimagined Whistler’s Mother.
Here’s my “toxic masculinity” take-
Penis envy. That’s all it is.
Hey lady, that’s not original. It’s called a face sap. Snapchat has had it for awhile now, and you’re just catching on?
…face swap…
(now I facepalm)
While you’re at it, why don’t you repaint all the classics with Rubenesque White white woman as chubby ethnic men? That’d be a hoot!
I’m impressed. Here I was thinking that human stupidity couldn’t possibly exceed what has already been established over thousands of years and this boobette of an “artist” proves me wrong.
If it weren’t for ” The White Alpha Male ” that bitch would be sitting in San Antonio Mexico !
It’s only a matter of time before they remake Saving Private Ryan with an all female cast. It’ll win all the academy awards, and they’ll start teaching it in school as though it was real.
Why not embolden women by painting the Actual Tough role they had as Western Women ? I She Disrespects everything about the Women Bold enough to come out West, by putting them in positions no decent Lady would have put themselves in !
Rooster Cockforlorn.
My Nebraskan farmer grandma woulda kicked her ass.
Post depression era tuff.
Why didn’t she paint Miss Virginia Slims as the Marlboro Man?
Question to Fur and Illustr8r…..Is this brush to canvas work or is it digitally enhanced?….
@Willy It looks like actual paint on canvas to me. I like some of the paintings-the way she leaves streaks of bright color here and there. Some are more successful than others- technique and composition wise IMHO.
She seems to have overlooked many prominent women in western films.
Hey Felice,ever hear of Barbara Stanwyck, Gail Kobe, Beverly Garland, Ann-Margret, Claire Trevor, Amanda Blake just to name a few?…..hell even hanoi jane played a heroic western gal.
I’m thinkin’ you’re just another misandrist hack jumpin’ on the hate the white man train.
I found her self portrait
In case anyone is interested. It’s only $4200.
Umm..no..read your history..not the liberal version..
This is why conservative states HATE Libtards moving in.
Says it all.
The horses did all the work. Why not paint some lady faces on them?
James Dean was a great actor in westerns?!
Ms. House has talent, no doubt. She traveled in the wrong direction.
The impact she was looking for would have been 1000 times more effective if she had gone to the archives and painted “real” women of the west. Sure most were not as cutesy as models, but they were real pioneers of America and not someone’s stylized fantasy.
Her paintings are akin to going to a photographer, dress up in period garb and having a photo taken. Pure fantasy.
Women of the west were not helpless damsels as the film industry portrays, nor were they fantasy depictions as in her paintings.
The “real” women of the west tells the story of hardship, sacrifice, determination and survival. These are the women who braved the western frontier and in so many ways tamed the west.
She squandered her talent and the opportunity by patterning her fantasy paintings based upon fantasy movies and Not “real” life heroines of the old west.
I liked face sap.
My mother, born 1911, recalled the latter days of the horse era. She mainly remembered the smell and the streets covered in horse poop.
Thank you John Wayne and all of the real cowboys – from St Louis to Santa Barbara – who gave their lives to feed the growing nation and open the West to real progress.
Like Willie said: That shit ain’t right
Woulda, coulda, shoulda.
Next let’s paint negro men as famous (or infamous) white wymyns!
That’d be some cutting edge shit, right there!
Obola as Blaze Starr.
Revrum Al as Meth Head Jane.
Samuel L. Jackson as Madonna Ciccone.
Morgan Freeman as Kathy Griffin.
Actors being portrayed as actors – pretty fukkin lame, isn’t it?
Think she’s brave enough to paint some woman as Mohammed?
izlamo delenda est …
LOL, while so many feminists complain about pictures of hot chicks with guns!
Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan, Randolph Scott, John Wayne, Ward Bond, Joel McCrea, Steve McQueen, Slim Pickens, Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, Chief Dan George, Iron Eyes Cody, James Arness etc. etc. all want to come back from the grave and kick this so called ladies ass. And if she ever messes with paintings by Frederick Remington or Charlie Russell she’s in heap big buffalo doo doo.
Women were so much tougher back then that those pussies wearing Pussy Hats
GW McClintock: You learned a lot of words back east, Becky.
l wished to God they would have taught you some meanings.
You were only about six months old…
when your mother stayed alone with you in a sod hut…
under eight foot of snow…
while l moved the herd 300 miles south to try and save it.
Saved about half of it.
You were a little more than a year old…
at the time of the great Comanche raids.
We stood off 500 Plains lndians for nine days.
Petulant, Becky?
Geoff the aardvark, I watched “Gunsmoke” last night. This whole town was involved in a conspiracy which Marshall Dillon exposed. When asked if he was going to arrest anyone, Dillon replied, “I learned long ago that you can’t prosecute mass hysteria”. Looks like where we are today.
The INSP network is showing older b&w episodes of Gunsmoke on every day now, both morning and evenings. I try and watch them as often as possible, I’m a big fan of the early episodes with Festus Hagan and Burt Reynolds as the half breed Comanche Indian Quint. And if I missed Jimmy Stewart (I especially like his western radio program The Six Shooter from 1953-54 played often on XM’s old time radio channel 148) in my list of cowboy heroes or the greatest little guy cowboy actor and World War 2 Medal of Honor recipient Audie Murphy, forgive me.
@JDHasty, that was a great song by Willie! I laughed so hard at the very end.
Thanks for posting it!
Just like ISIS.
Typical leftist revisionist!
Fur’s dog paintings are better that what she does.
Thanks Illustr8r….If it truly is brush to canvas…..she’s very talented. It just seems that body of work would take years to accomplish, and then there’s the photo of her in the hallway with her digital stuff.
I’m just skeptical….I’ve got a friend who can’t draw a stick figure, yet she earns a great living as a ‘Graphic Artist’???. I’ve got another friend who can draw an exploded view of anything mechanical in pen and ink and he’s been pushed out of the graphics industry….then there is his airbrushing….FANTASTIC!….
Women Now Empowered By Everything A Woman Does
If she wants that kind of science fiction, she should STFU and watch the remake of “The Quick And The Dead”, where Sharon Stone’s character literally tears Gene Hackman’s character a new one.