As Harry Reid Defines It: Trump Is “A Very, Very Smart Man” – IOTW Report

As Harry Reid Defines It: Trump Is “A Very, Very Smart Man”

CFP: Reid gets it while so many of his desperado Dem colleagues do not.

Mercifully, the Democrats are never in listening mode even when it comes from someone in their own Party.

“Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has a new assessment of President Donald Trump as “a very, very smart man” who won’t be easy for Democrats to defeat in the 2020 election. (CNN, Oct. 12, 2019)

“I used to think that Donald Trump was not too smart. I certainly don’t believe that anymore,” Reid, a Nevada Democrat who served in Congress for decades until his retirement in 2016, told “Axe Files” host David Axelrod in an interview airing Saturday at 7 p.m. ET on CNN.

“The former Democratic leader had criticized Trump in harsh and colorful terms, calling him a “spoiled brat,” “a con artist” and a “human leech who will bleed the country” in comments on the Senate floor in 2016.”

Those insults were back in the days before sore-loser Democrats went on to smear Trump as an out-and-out “racist”.

“But Reid—a savvy political operator whose moves to reshape Senate procedures, like his elimination of filibusters for most nominations by presidents, were criticized by Republicans during his time in Congress—acknowledged in the interview Trump’s strategy in discrediting Democrats leading the impeachment inquiry into his actions with Ukraine. (CNN)

“I don’t think he’s, intellectually, a powerhouse but he is basically a very, very smart man. No matter what the subject, any argument he involves himself in, it’s on his terms. You’re always arguing against him. He never, never, is willing to debate an issue on terms that aren’t his,” Reid told Axelrod.”

How dare any non-Democrat president argue on his own terms? more

12 Comments on As Harry Reid Defines It: Trump Is “A Very, Very Smart Man”

  1. Oh, I think they know he’s a smart guy. Too smart for them to defeat in an honest election. That’s why they’re trying to frame him for crimes never committed, and find him guilty in a kangaroo court process to take him out by other means, before lack of evidence is plain to see, and reasoning they can’t rig the election enough to win by cheating. The cheating level required would be so extensive, they can’t pull it off without it being obvious down to the least observant citizen.

  2. So it took them almost 4 and a half years to figure that out. Made billions in New York and around the world and now the old crook is calling P.Trump smart.
    The Dems have met their match and then some.
    Our guy is going to bury them,and they have it coming.

  3. Reid had Romney pegged pretty well, too. He knew he could say the most heinous shit about Romney, and Mitt would just let it go. Reid may be a conniving, backstabbing grifter, but he’s a shrewd judge of balls.

  4. At 30 DJTs IQ was of the charts. Libtards discount that because he older now. LOL. Never underestimate your enemy. Having said that this will either end in a Military Tribunal or a shooting war. I’m good with either. Lets just get to it.

  5. “He’s not an intellectual powerhouse but he’s a very,very smart man.”
    Gee Harry, that makes about as much sense as I would expect from you.
    Trump is running circles around two bit hucksters like you and doing it in a way that exposes just what criminals you’ve been.
    You scum are all feeling the walls closing in.


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