The Asian girl was being genuine, and everyone was with her, until she got to the part where the racist people were black.
The leaders moved in and shut her down, with one jerk saying, “we’re getting derailed! We’re losing sight of the movement!!!!!!”
Yes, the movement is simply that whites suck and blacks need to be compensated. That’s the movement.
The one i would like to urinate on and have smeared with human feces the most is the white faggot professor standing there holding his crotch and babysitting these brats.
What a horrible career choice, no matter how easy the money is, to prostitue yourself on a college campus and play along with that shit and these brats.
As a side note, i like the chinee girl tellng the truth about how she ” rike hava sex a wit udder girl fom dierr renta conterennt”. Chinee will be the first to tell you that blacks are the most hateful, racist, virulent racists they have ever encountered. Hispanics will affirm that… mostly privately though. Everybody agrees, around the world, blacks are thee most racist haters, bar none.
The First Amendment: Liberal Edition!
Fascism at Yale
…..and they don’t tip worth a crap.
(Even my black friends will tell you this except they over tip like me)
I once had a conversation with a black man who refused to play pool because it was racist. He claimed it was a game of a white ball taking out the colored balls, with the black ball being the last one taken out.
I then asked him to explain bowling…
His head exploded.
Thunderous Applause
Yep. No matter how honest the story of Oppression, Racism, Etc, Etc, Etc, . . . .
If it doesn’t fit The Narrative (white oppression and privilege against blacks), then you’re WRONG! And you’re a BLASPHEMER and a HERETIC against the State Religion of The State.
Ask Trotsky what you get if you veer off the narrative …
Ask Roehm …