Ask Ted – IOTW Report

19 Comments on Ask Ted

  1. Slightly OT, but we just saw & heard Ted at the Americans for Prosperity conference in Columbus, Ohio, (3600+ people in attendance) and he was totally dynamite!

    Absolutely no mention of this conference in the media. How much more stuff goes unmentioned??

  2. Too much!
    The brown-nosed media is blocking most, if not all, of Ted’s appearances!
    OT: didn’t Trump meet with Ted awhile back? Maybe they’re planning to team up together?
    Now that would work for me!!

  3. My question for Ted Cruz: How will you pull congress together? Your ideas and ethics are belittled and discounted while you are a member, of congress, what methods will you use to overcome the behaviors, partisanship and the appearance that they think congress ‘knows what’s best for America’, which allows them to ignore their campaign promises, (i.e. Mitch McConnel and Jinh Boehner most recently and disgustingly)?

    Until America cleans its Houses of Congress, I feel we will continue the path to hell with their greedy, lying, unethical, elitist behaviors.

    I think of the movie ELYSIUM, when I think of congress. They pass the laws and allow themselves exemption from them as, if the American people are their subjects, to their royality. It is disgusting and has drained Americans of trust. Congress loves their elitist, protected, self-created Elysium paid for on the backs of the peons of America, often using misdirected funds.

    Thank you and I pray you will win against the big machine that politics has become. Donald Trump has stirred Americans with hope and his daring to stand up and say ENOUGH! But we who have watched you, know that you have done the same and have done so from the pit of the poisonous vipers, called Congress. Thank you and the brave members who have stood with you.

  4. Megyn stumped him last night, his non answer to her question means that he needed to prepare better for that obvious gotcha.

    How about ” Megyn, that is a very decisive question and one that is going to have to be debated in congress. Right now the law is that we cant, but there is nothing stopping the parents taking their child with them back home where they are also a citizen by birthright. Much as my mother bought me back to america as my birthright.”

  5. wizzum, that’s good. I, too, asked him about that gotcha question. I asked him to detail what he is going to do about the anchor babies:

    1. How are you going to educate the public in the 14th amendment that clearly says babies born to aliens cannot be citizens.

    2. Explain the priority of making it possible that the illegal aliens that we do deport now cannot return (building the wall, more border patrol officers, better monitoring [technical equipment at the border, e-Verify]), deporting (not jailing or releasing) illegal aliens who commit crimes above and beyond coming here illegally and then deporting the rest (including the anchor babies).

  6. Megan is a typical lib. Yes or no are NOT the only answers to the multiple layers of dog shit Obama has created with his lawless handling of immigration. He has opened the doors to our country to horrific possibilities on all fronts, financial, legal and morally, with his immigration wishy washiness. Shame on him for the treachery. And shame, shame on congress for its complacency and therefore complicity in the treachery. And shame on us for not screaming, STOP!

    We aren’t losing out rights, we are shoving them under the door, hoping the mad dogs of horror will go away and leave us alone.

    It will take very hard work to clean up the mess of this administration. And it will take layers of cleaning to remove it. But you MUST stop the flow before you begin, or you will be re-buried, before you get it clean.

  7. Yes, Mr. Pinko, we see Trump there. I sure hope that anyone who criticizes Trump isn’t going to be jumped on, dumped on and trumped on for the next year or so. Yup, he’s good but so is Cruz. The only differences are that Cruz can’t afford to bankroll his own campaign and he’s seldom been in favor of progressive policies.


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