Asking God to Make “Francis” Bergoglio a good Pope is like asking God to make “Caitlyn” Jenner a beautiful woman. – IOTW Report

Asking God to Make “Francis” Bergoglio a good Pope is like asking God to make “Caitlyn” Jenner a beautiful woman.


People are losing their faith.

They are losing their faith because a man who is not the pope is masquerading as the pope, people are calling him the pope, he is an agent of evil, enacting a satanic, Freemasonic, sodomitical agenda, and tearing the Church apart before their eyes.

They are losing their faith because they are being asked, and now even browbeaten into violating the Law of Non-contradiction, namely that they must be in unity and submission to a specific man, Jorge Bergoglio, as a condition of unity to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, while Bergoglio himself demands apostasy and schism to be in union with him – That Bergoglio is simultaneously the standard of unity and vector of schism, that Bergoglio is simultaneously a thing and its ontological negation. As if this categorical irrationality weren’t enough, the drum is now being beaten that if one does NOT accept that the Petrine Promise is either void and has been all along OR that Our Blessed Lord reneged on the Petrine Promise some six years ago, then you are a faithless person. That’s right: believe obvious lies, more

31 Comments on Asking God to Make “Francis” Bergoglio a good Pope is like asking God to make “Caitlyn” Jenner a beautiful woman.

  1. OT yet related

    The Catholic Church Elders have hidden and lied to YOU about what the Body of Christ and Daily Bread really means.

    The Catholic Church is run by lying Con Men that plunder the World in their travel robes passing money baskets.

    Wake Up.

    PS: Lest Catholics think it Blasphemy to say this just remember that if the Catholic Church disappeared overnight tonight, God would still exist tomorrow and forever and ever.

    It is not the Church that matters.

    It is YOU.

  2. Poor Ann, the Catholic Church was doomed from the beginning for trying to superimpose a mere sinful man the Pope between God and men. The pope is human and every single bit the fallen sinner that we are. Christ died and tore the veil, there is only one mediator between God and men and that is that man Christ Jesus.

    “It has fallen, Babylon the Great has fallen! She has become a home for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, and a haunt for every unclean and despicable beast. For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.
    Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes. Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done. Pour her a double portion from her own cup. Give her as much torment and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit enthroned as queen. I am not a widow; I will never mourn.’ Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.” Revelation 18:2-8

  3. Great comments everyone. I was born and grew up within the Catholic Church. We left it 15 years ago. Because of lack of support at the time, and my actual reading of the ESV Bible. And we have been very active in our Biblical church ever since

  4. Too many ‘formal’ sects have thrown the Bible under the bus for the sake of parishioners (read money). Any church that performs homosexual marriage is not Christian, period.

    And they wonder why people are leaving in droves. People come to Jesus because he speaks the truth. The formal sects speak lies.

    True Bible study is hard to find. Your personal relationship with Jesus is what counts, not what some dimwit in Rome appointed by a bunch of pedophiles says.

    Organized religions will continue to lose followers until they return to the truth of Jesus via the Bible. It’s that simple.

  5. I call him antipope Bastardo. His recent chiding of the US for dropping bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki set me off big time. What an asshole Bastardo is, as if President Truman woke up one day and thought, “Gosh, I’ll just drop a couple of nukes on Japan for no goddamn good reason.” As if the Japanese behavior in Manchuria and SE Asia counted for jack shit in regards to context. Fuck the antipope. May Satan take him home soon.

  6. The gates of hell will not overcome the church. But when you allow the devil inside the gates this is what happens. Cast out the evil one please or he will destroy you from within.

  7. Really saddened by Francis, Vatican intrigue, and scandal and scoundrels in the local churches. These are tough times for the faithful in the pews (and for the faithful who have taken a leave of absence from the pews) and especially for the good priests.

  8. “and now even browbeaten into violating the Law of Non-contradiction, namely that they must be in unity and submission to a specific man,”

    This is a problem no matter what religion you have. There should be no such “law”.

    Only Jesus should be followed.

    If any man requires your obedience instead of pointing to Jesus – you are talking to Satan.

    Jesus did not like “religion” for the very reasons Ann has a problem with this pope. He is anti-Christ. Not THE anti-Christ. Just anti-Christ.

    There is a reason the Catholic-raised friends I have are not familiar with what the Bible says. They are kept in the dark for dark reasons. 2/3 of these friends hate God and are vocal about it. How does that happen when raised in Catholic homes, schools, and churches? Because of “Laws” like stated above.

  9. Catholicism is the tomb of Satan

    I should know, I spent several decades in the Catholic CULT.

    It’s a wicked mind screw from top to bottom. They make it up as they go along over the centuries, say it’s “Inspired by God” then demand rigid full-attention unquestioning obedience to a bunch of money-grubbing boy-rapers.

    “Uh, I took a vow of celibacy, not chastity, now if you’ll excuse me, I’m late for my blow job from the parish priest across the street!”

    Wake up idiots.

  10. I’ve been an Ann Fan since she used bacon for bookmarks. I love her spirit, her style, and especially her undying defense of the Church, founded nearly 2,000 years ago by God Himself. Our Lord predicted these divisions and the hatred spewed forth in the comments above. Never mind. The wheat and the tares get separated in the end. Until then, our job here is to build His Kingdom, not tear each other down.

  11. There was, is and always will be:

    One YHWH (Echad), One Mediator (Way, Truth, Life), One Covenant People (Israel) and One Kingdom (Jerusalem).

    YHWH only ever truly juxtaposes between the world/heathen and His called out assembly (Qahal/Ekklesia). His peculiar people/inheritance, Holy (set apart) people. Anyone who takes hold of the Covenants of YHWH is part of His Kingdom. There is one Torah (Instructions) for Israel and the sojourner/alien among them. YHWH’s warnings and prophicies of curses upon Israel for disobedience were always followed with the hope of restoration, which invariably included gentiles. The nations/gentiles were to be brought in or grafted into the assembly/body/vine.

    It is the same now as it was in the 1st Century, doctrines & traditions of men which add to or remove from the Word of YHWH. Yahshuah continually rebuked the Pharisees for abrogating the Word of YHWH with their doctrines & traditions (Talmud). History is cyclical (Eccl 1:9,3:15) and as such, we have the same type of “learned shepherds” who have followed right in line with the Pharisees/Sadducees of old. It takes a HIGHLY educated individual, with many abbreviated letters after their name to contort and twist the Word of YHWH and explain that IT does not mean what IT clearly states. The most capable sideshow contortionist or Origami Master would be awed by the twisting and folding of scripture that many D.Th’s (and layman alike) accomplish.

    Man made Antinomianism, dual covenant, replacement, etc… theological thinking is part of what drives the wedge of separation between Israel and “churchianity”. The post Apostolic “early church fathers” were very antisemetic, some from hate and others out of fear of persecution, and so the lenses they used/use to interpret scripture was and is very biased. They have divided the House of YHWH by removing and/or obfuscating as many aspects of the truth of the Kingdom.

    Words like church, pentacost, easter, old vs new (and more) are used to twist and obfuscate scripture, as to make YHWH a liar. Words which have clear definition within the Hebrew Scriptures (Tanak) have been redefined purposely to drive a wedge of separation between His called out assembly and those who were once far off, but brought near by the blood of Yahshuah. The Greek word Eklessia used in the Greek texts of the Apostolic writings is the same word used in translations of the Tanak for YHWH’s called out assembly. Stephen in Acts 7:38 clearly calls the House of Israel the “church” in the KJV, which is the same word used for assembly/congregation in the Tanak and parts of the Apostle’s writings. Pentecost is the 4th of YHWH’s Moedim (Appointed times Lev 23), Shavuot (Feast of weeks), which Yahshuah fulfilled His promise of the Holy Spirit (helper) which the Father would send. This is the same historical day in which Moses descended the mountain with the decalogue. There are many other examples of YHWH having watershed moments in history occur on His appointed days.

    How we should tremble at ignoring His appointed times, especially with the three fall appointments still to be fulfilled at His second Advent. The word easter is superimposed over Pesach, transliterated in the Greek texts, forcing a meaning that did not exist and is straight from the heart of the great harlot of Rome. As YHWH is, so is His Word, everlasting to everlasting. The “New” is a reiteration and clarification of what has always been His way for ALL of mankind to live. Yahshuah did not come to give His own or new doctrine, but only that of the Father who sent Him.

    YHWH does not change His perfect (One and Only) plan of redemption to fit His people. He removes the stoney heart and places a heart of flesh within His people (as prophisied in the RE[NEW]ED covenant Jer 31:31-34, Ezek 36:24-28) and gives of His Spirit that we should desire to walk in His perfect way. Before the true fulfillment of Passover, the sojourner/alien with Israel had to be circumcised in the flesh to partake of the Pesach/Passover. Now that Yahshuah has laid down His life and taken it up again, you MUST be circumcised in your Heart.

    YHWH desires obedience through love, not some mechanical/forced lip service of following the letter of the Torah. To draw near YHWH with your lips, but having your heart far away is an abomination to Him (Hypocrisy). Just as earthly fathers set rules for their children, so does our Father in Heaven and His commandments are not grevious, but for our benefit. YHWH did NOT take Israel by the hand, lead them out of the bondage of slavery out of the land of Egypt, just to enslave them with a yoke they could not carry. He says the exact opposite, that these things are not too difficult (Duet 30:11). What He is showing us througout the Hebrew scriptures (Tanak) is that the heart of men is continually evil, self serving and incapable of the love of others (Grk Agape), as He defines it with the two greatest commandments (Deut 6:4-9 & Lev 19:18) on which ALL of the Torah & prophets hang.

    The same covenant with the same people, but with a changed heart. As Abraham is the father of the faith (Rom 4) and unto his seed (not seeds) are the blessings through obedience. It was never prophisied that there would be two sides of one coin, but the one side of a one sided coin. Only YHWH can create a one sided coin, made of ALL who seek Him.

    Consider that the New Jerusalem has 12 gates to enter by and none of them are named for gentiles or “the church”. Read the major Prophets to see that there WILL be another greater Exodus (Jer 16:14-15)(not “rapture”) and the Northern Kingdom (Ephraim) of Israel (not back in the land yet) and Southern Kingdom of Judea (Judah/Benjamin+Levi currently in the land) (all Jews are Hebrew, but not all Hebrews are Jews) will be brought back together (one stick in His hand). Much of the gentiles/nations are made up of Ephraim (northern 10 tribes).

    I believe that not only are we in the “beginning of sorrows”, but also the beginning of restoration (Mal 4) and the spirit of Elijah is working in His people, that which is good in His sight (Eccl 12:13-14).

    There is a seed which I cast onto the ground, may it find good soil in which YHWH may reap.

    May YHWH, the Father, and our Savior Yahshuah shine the light of their countenance on you and the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) guide your steps in all things.

    To Him be the power, honor, praise, glory and blessings for ever and ever. Amen.

    Peace be unto you / Shalom Aleichem


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