Assassination Attempt of Trump in Reno? – IOTW Report

Assassination Attempt of Trump in Reno?

UPDATE: Unconfirmed reports are saying the man detained has already been released. Supposedly he was attempting to raise a sign (pulling it out of his pants) when someone shouted, “he has a gun.” Chaos ensued.

UPDATE 2: Twitter morons seem to think that it’ll be a letdown to Trump supporters if this wasn’t an assassination attempt. I proudly post this update HOPING that this wasn’t an attempt on Trump’s life.

What is wrong with people???

Secret services agents jumped a man in Reno and pummeled the sh*t out of him.

Speculation is he had a gun.

You can hear them yell HE HAS A GUN— 1:51:50

Footage of the detainee provided by Dianny


46 Comments on Assassination Attempt of Trump in Reno?

  1. It’s getting rougher out there.

    For months I’ve driven by a YUGE Trump sign in the field of the really pretty Farm. Today that sign was vandalized, but still up. It startled me, because I thought in my area, most people were not the jerkoffs we read about. Maybe it was Halloween kids? Who knows.

  2. I’m sure glad this went nowhere.

    I normally try to belittle those who over-react to the mere presence of a gun, but Trump in Reno is most definitely a special case. If someone has got a gun through the SS into a venue with a prez candidate speaking, there’s no practical doubt that the would-be gunman is either trying to shoot somebody, or certifiably shit-house rat crazy. Either way, piling on takes guts and I’m grateful for those who acted so quickly.

  3. I saw this happen live watching the rally, it was very surreal because he called out a protester and that seemed to be it but it wasn’t. Kudos to the rally attendees, he was down right away. No one tolerated that BS and the Reno crowd, half minority got a lot of attention.

  4. I was watching the live feed on the internet and after Mr. Trump’s speech, one of the guys in the control room (?) said a strange guy was in the room with them earlier and was talking on his cell phone to someone. He supposedly said “I came to shoot him” or something similar. They said they reported it to the SS.

  5. Last time I attended a Romney prez event there were magnetometers (metal detectors) you had to get through. It’s part of the process.

    There’s something weird about this.

    Plus as an aside previous to this incident, I posed the question about the drumbeat for decades by the left to spring John hinckley (Reagan’s shooter and would be assassin) and yet Sirhan Bishara Sirhan , Robert Kennedy assassin rots in prison to this day? 1968.

    Don’t get me wrong. Both should be locked up. But there seems to be a double standard of epic proportion here.

  6. MJA, I beleive screening the crowd is left to local authorities with SS over site. Reno doesn’t strike me as all that on the ball. Which reminds me, we have our very own SS resident expert here. You know, the Cruz fanatic. Tucker. MIA I see. Insult Teddy (Bwahhaaa) and he’ll be right here.

  7. I just read the rumor that this guy is a registered Republican. Not confirmed, but this would prove that we have been right about those Never Trumpers all along. They’re just liberals. Dumbass liberals.

  8. Responding to the update. What kind of moron keeps a sign inside his pants. Honestly if I saw someone pulling something out of their waste band that close to the stage I probably would have tackled the guy.

  9. AA, The guys a bad ass. What politician wouldn’t have canceled the next couple events. This guy went back out on stage in Reno, and continued on to Denver. DJT is a warrior.
    Tomorrow in Michigan he’s being joined by Uncle Ted. Not only am I watching it, I will record it for my grand kids.

  10. Tommy, not just you. The Furry One, I, and others have spotted his true colors early on. He’s an opportunist comedian in search of a laugh. No matter the truth. Fuck him.

  11. WHAT WOULD POSSESS SOME VILLAGE IDIOT TO run to the stage trying to pull out anything? REALLY shitpickle? you do’nt think you will be taken down? We don’t give a flying fuck about your ‘sign’. Use that bald noggin for something besides holding up your ears.

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