This psychiatrist testifies and thrashes the “gender-affirming care” crowd-
ht/ js
This psychiatrist testifies and thrashes the “gender-affirming care” crowd-
ht/ js
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I assume Dr. McNamara is the smug looking clown to her right?
Well said!
Now call it what it really is: The war on our next generation with the sole intent to mentally and physically cripple them from ever becoming a productive member of society!
Dr. Grossman was in “What is a Woman?”
She is awesome and brave!
That is in fact McNamara sitting next to her making faces and drawing deep breaths like a 12 yr old girl.
Apparently, the parent(s) were assigned ‘stupid’ at birth. And it stuck!
No one was assigned anything but male or female. In some cases there are quirks of nature – in ALL living and reproducing life from the beginning of time. God is quite clear as to whom he created – So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Clear cut to me, they’re having a hard time defending their faggotry.
Are people “assigned” black or White at birth as well?
Thank you MrLiberty! Life begins at conception. Science!
LocoBlancoSaltine, LOL!!!
My comment should not be construed as endorsing the belief that life begins at conception, but there is NO QUESTION WHATSOEVER that once the sperm containing either the X or Y chromosome impregnated the egg, the sex is determined, and every cell that comes from that initial union will ALSO be either male or female based on the sex chromosomes.
Assigned at conception, otherwise we couldn’t have “gender” reveal parties.
I say it was Hunter Biden, in the library. with a crack pipe.
Pardon me, but I have no idea how this got here.
They are mutants, animalized former humans.