Assisted Suicide Becomes Law in California on June 9th – IOTW Report

Assisted Suicide Becomes Law in California on June 9th


California Gov. Jerry Brown signed landmark legislation last October that would allow terminally ill people to request life-ending medication from their physicians.

But no one knew when the law would take effect, because of the unusual way in which the law was passed — in a legislative “extraordinary session” called by Brown. The bill could not go into effect until 90 days after that session adjourned.

The session closed Thursday, which means the End of Life Option Act will go into effect June 9.

“We’re glad to finally have arrived at this day where we have a date certain,” says Sen. Bill Monning, D-Carmel.

“It’s a historic achievement for California, and for a limited universe of people dealing with a terminal illness,” Monning says. “It could indeed be a transformative way of giving them the option of a compassionate end-of-life process.”


11 Comments on Assisted Suicide Becomes Law in California on June 9th

  1. I am of two minds on this.
    Considering that life is a terminal illness.
    On one hand, if the infestation of progressive north easterners that have ruined this state sign up for an after birth abortion, well, it is hard to see the downside.
    On the other hand, the distance between ‘allowed’ and ‘required’ keeps getting shorter all the time and progs appear intent on spreading any misery they invent.

  2. So I know somebody right now in the late stages of lung cancer, at home dying. Should this person, of whom we love and care for dearly, have that choice, weeping and wailing would ensue from myself and other family members–not to mention the protests. No way in hell would I even for a moment give this person one ounce of encouragement or approval, in spite of the suffering. God will take you home soon enough.

    You just put the bullets in the gun Mr. Governor. You just helped someone onto the ledge. You just did what you should not have done, Mr. Governor. Sure enough Death is knocking at the door, Mr. Governor; must you open it for him?

  3. An opportunity knocks for abortionists looking to breathe new death into their career.

    Forced doctor murder has become law in parts of Europe and is a fashionable talking point among the political/media elites in Canada, so it’ll become law here. There’s some kind of international agenda. Who or what is pushing this sickening insanity?

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