Fauci should be imprisoned.

The government already has the drug! They only have to distribute it.
Fauci is pushing fraudulent information to the public.
And tens of thousands of Americans have died due to his mistakes!
And Fauci continues to push the ridiculous notion that hydroxychloroquine treatments are not successful in treating the coronavirus.
ht/ fdr in hell
Time to turn Fauci off and tune him out!!
“Fauci is pushing fraudulent information to the public.
And tens of thousands of Americans have died due to his mistakes!”
…no mistake. It was a deliberate, political attempt to take down a political enemy, the President, for his political ally and love interest, Hillary, along with enriching himself and his drug company patrons by forcing people seeking treatment into less effective, more dangerous, and MUCH more expensive drugs that HE has a vested financial interest in.
…and to be frank, I also think he enjoys tormenting and mocking the peasants and having the power of life and death over them. He’s probably got “short guy syndrome” that was aggrivated by having a man like Trump literally and figuratively towering over him, and it pleases him to force Trump voters to do things HE has no intention of doing and undermining the President while he’s at it.
…no, no mistake. It was a deliberate, calculated attack, and it’s still going on.
The President needs to remove him. NOW.
Or the President himself will be removed by his allies, and with his help.
Worker Peasant Tax Slave AUGUST 4, 2020 AT 7:31 AM
“Time to turn Fauci off and tune him out!!”
…you can’t. Governors use him to justify “emergency” assaults on the United States and its citizens, up to and including arresting you and fining you for disobedience, shutting your business down, hobbling your business even if they DON’T shut it down, limiting your ability even to worship God corporately, and ultimately using it to defraud you of your President in favor of one more to your liking.
Sure, you can turn the TV off.
But he’s still going to have power over you.
You ignore him at your peril, because what comes out of his mouth today may be the illegal “exectuive order” you are imprisoned for tomorrow…
Well, at least now the MSM will now make a big deal of reporting this so that the overall American public becomes informed about it.
That will help them develop informed attitudes and make intelligent decisions, something our political and cultural leadership will greatly appreciate.
…here’s the model of public health chilling at a baseball game in the stands that are denied to everyone else. Note the example he sets for the Nation on “social distancing” and proper mask usage in public…
It’s amazing how evil some people can be and more amazing that they continue to be influential.
In Fauci’s case he is supported by most in the democrat party which makes them equally as evil and you can throw in Bill Gates too.
It’s clear just how little peoples lives fit into the equation.
Fauci would have made a great fill-in for Tony Soprano.
I would bet that Fauci is already on hydroxychloroquine or a variant as a prophylactic…
I hope fauci and birx die in their bath tubs.
[Oh, I’m only ‘kidding’]
“And Fauci continues to push the ridiculous notion that hydroxychloroquine treatments are not successful in treating the coronavirus.”
From the NIH, US National Library of Medicine, 2005:
‘Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread’
“…We have identified chloroquine as an effective antiviral agent for SARS-CoV in cell culture conditions, as evidenced by its inhibitory effect when the drug was added prior to infection or after the initiation and establishment of infection. The fact that chloroquine exerts an antiviral effect during pre- and post-infection conditions suggest that it is likely to have both prophylactic and therapeutic advantages….”
That was 2005. Fauci was in the same position then as now. He knew then and he knows now. The difference now is that it appears he will own, somehow?, up to 50% of any vaccine that our tax dollars are researching and developing.
The only way a vaccine developed by gates and fauci is going into my body is if it is on a bullet.
Follow the money.
Before it goes digital.
Follow the money
It’s ALWAYS about money.
Who could swear that Fauci isn’t a sociopath?
PD investigator:
“Who the hell makes toast while taking a bath?”
“We have to find who wrapped that scarf around Dr. Fauci’s neck and tied it to the F-150’s bumper. Wait, where’s Dr. Fauci’s pants?”