At least 33 shot in gun-controlled Chicago over Christmas weekend – IOTW Report

At least 33 shot in gun-controlled Chicago over Christmas weekend

WaEx: At least 33 people were shot in Chicago on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, according to data compiled by the Chicago Tribune, continuing the surge of violence marked by significantly more shootings in the city this year than last.

The victims ranged from ages 17 to 53. They joined the 4,306 people who have been injured or killed by gun violence to this date in 2016.

Last year, Chicago was home to 2,989 shooting victims. The uptick in violence has occurred despite strict gun laws that have effectively shuttered the city’s gun shops and imposed burdensome regulations on those seeking to own a firearm.  more

14 Comments on At least 33 shot in gun-controlled Chicago over Christmas weekend

  1. I think it only counts if they’re dead. Being just injured gets one back on the streets and are in the get even mode. Dead means no more Skittles, Cheetos, EBT cards, breeding, Obamaphones, Obamacare, free housing. IMHO there’s more to offer the public when one of those bottom feeders dies.

  2. further proof gun control works!

    having both the police and the crooks armed and the rest of the citizens disarmed works every time it’s tried.

    just look how happy the citizens of chicago are.

  3. Not a word of this in the MSM. that will end, of course, at 12:01AM on January 20, when statistics like this will be reported 24/7 and blamed on Trump. The lofos will believe it because, well, they are lofos.

    Everyone here knows better.

  4. Good citizens of Shitcago should be able to sue liberal politicians who’ve abused their power by denying citizens of their Second Amendment rights. Crooked politicians should have to pay out of their own pockets, not pass the charges off to innocent tax payers.

  5. I heard that Gang Z loaded up and deliberately ambushed members of Gang X on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, when they knew the Gang X members would be visiting Momma (they know where Momma lives) and were generally unarmed or at least on low alert. Also there was minimal police presence due to the holiday. Real guerilla warfare happening in the Chicago hoods.

  6. Dashing through the snow
    Straining with each panicked breath
    Muzzle blasts aglow
    Harbingers of death!
    Screams and sirens sing
    How desperate is my plight
    Oh God! Oh God! Please let me live
    Through this Chicago night!

    Oh Shotgun shells! I’m scared as hell!
    I just can’t get away!
    It ain’t no fun without a gun
    And the gangs want me to play!
    Oh Shotgun shells! I’m scared as hell!
    I just can’t get away!
    It ain’t no fun without a gun
    And the gangs want me to play!

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