At least they got a workout… – IOTW Report

At least they got a workout…

Patriot Retort:

Wow. Talk about killing the messenger.

But, on the plus side, at least those gals got in a workout.

Imagine how many calories they burned swinging those baseball bats down on the object of their scorn.

Of course, a sledgehammer would have been a better choice. And not just because it’s more destructive. But also because it would deliver a more effective workout.  MORE


27 Comments on At least they got a workout…

  1. My guess is if there is no proof readily available, there is no problem. Makes the same sound as one hand clapping. The only setback I can see is gravity and surviving in a vertical world.

  2. After the smashing, the triumphant Heifer Battalion each polished off a gallon of Ben & Jerry’s Extra Fudgy.

    Next up: smashing all those cruel, misogynistic, patriarchal Mirrors…

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